Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1988 Reconnaissance survey of environmental conditions in 13 Puget Sound locations 1989
1991 California enclosed bays and estuaries plan : water quality control plan for enclosed bays and estuaries of California. 1991
A Day in the life of Delaware's forgotten bay : a scientific survey of Little Assawoman Bay / 1991
A summary of implementation and demonstration projects in bays and estuaries. 1992
Addendum to the 1982 needs survey : cost estimates for control of combined sewer discharge to marine bays and estuaries / 1983
Analysis of National Water Pollution Control Policies. 1. A National Network Model. 1981
Assessment of potential toxic problems in non-urban areas of Puget Sound : final report / 1988
Assessment of the Ecological Condition of the Delaware and Maryland Coastal Bays. 2009
Atmospheric Deposition of Toxic Metals, Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and Nitrogen onto Massachusetts Bays. (Parts One and Two). Report to the Massachusetts Bays Program. 1996
Bay Scallop Restoration Project in Chincoteague Bay 1999
Bays in peril : a forecast for freshwater flows to Texas estuaries / 2004
Benthic habitats of the New York/New Jersey Harbor. 1995
Carolina Bays : a natural wastewater treatment program. 1993
Chesapeake Bay : an analysis of CBI and EPA data 1975
Chesapeake Bay habitat restoration : a framework for action / 1995
Chesapeake Bay Living Resources 1997. Living Resources Subcommittee Annual Report. 1998
Chesapeake Bay Living Resources Annual Report, 1999. 2000
Chesapeake Bay Program : findings and recommendations. 1983
Condition of estuaries and bays of Hawaii for 2002 : a statistical summary / 2007
Condition of estuaries and bays of Hawaii for 2002 : a statistical summary / 2007
Contamination dispersion in estuaries : report 4 : San Francisco Bay : hydraulic model investigation. 1962
Contingent valuation assessment of the economic damages of pollution to marine recreational fishing / 1989
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Phase II Early Restoration Plan and Environmental Review. 2012
Delaware Estuary and Bay Water Quality Sampling and Mathematical Modeling Project. 1970
Delaware inland bays : section 5, characterization integration / 1992
Development, calibration, and analysis of a hydrologic and water-quality model of the Delaware Inland Bays watershed / 2003
Documentation report : FWQA dynamic estuary model / 1970
Ecological effects upon estuaries resulting from lagoon construction, dredging, filling and bulkheading 1974-1975 report to Division of Fish and Wildlife, Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, State of Delaware / 1975
Estimation of the water table for the Inland Bays watershed, Delaware / 2005
Estuaries, Bays and Coastal Currents Around Puerto Rico. 1971
Estuaries, Bays and Coastal Currents Around Puerto Rico. 1971
Estuarines, Bays and Coastal Currents Around Puerto Rico. 1971
Eutrophication Analysis of Embayments in Prince William Sound, Alaska. 1993
Eutrophication of Sheltered Bays in a Large Lake. 1971
Eutrophication of Sheltered Bays in a Large Lake. 1972
Examining Linkages Between Contaminant Inputs and Their Impacts On Living Marine Resources of the Massachusetts Bay Ecosystem Through Application of the Sediment Quality Triad Method. Report to the Massachusetts Bays Program. 1995
Federal navigation projects : the Oregon Coast maintenance program / 1991
Feeding Ecology of Atlantic Menhaden ('Brevoortia tyrannus') in Chesapeake Bay. 2007
Flow-Through Microcosms for Simulation of Marine Ecosystems: Development and Intercomparison of Open Coast and Bay Facilities. 1976
Georgetown stormwater management project / demonstrating practical tools for watershed management through the national estuary program. 1995
Inland bays economic study : final report / 1983
Marine atlas of Hawaii : bays and harbors / 1974
Massachusetts Bays 1991 comprehensive conservation and management plan : An Evolving Plan for Action : executive summary / 1991
Massachusetts bays 1991 comprehensive conservation and management plan : an evolving plan for action. 1991
Massachusetts Bays Management System: A Valuation of Bays Resources and Uses and An Analysis of Its Regulatory and Management Structure. Report to the Massachusetts Bays Program. 1993
Measurements and Loadings of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in Storm Water, Combined Sewer Overflows, Rivers, and Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) Discharging to Massachusetts Bays. Final Report. 1995
Mount Hope Bay "briefing paper" and proceedings from Narragansett Bay Project Management Committee 1991
Narragansett Bay : public opinion survey (1991) / 1992
Narragansett Bay Project planning for a better bay. 1991
Narragansett Bay regionalization study 1991
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