Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Barnacles)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acute Toxicity and Sublethal Behavioral Effects of Copper on Barnacle Nauplii 'Balanus improvisus'. 1980
Advances in marine environmental research : proceedings of a symposium / 1979
Annotated guide to the barnacles of the northern Gulf of Mexico / 1986
Behavioral Responses of 'Balanus improvisus' Nauplii to Light Intensity and Spectrum. 1979
Comparative Photobehavior of Laboratory-Hatched and Plankton-Caught 'Balanus Improvisus' (Darwin) Nauplii and the Effects of 24-Hour Starvation. 1981
Comprehensive List of Chesapeake Bay Basin Species. 1992
Environmental Assessment of Buccaneer Gas and Oil Field in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico, 1978-1979. Volume V. Effects of Gas and Oil Field Structures and Effluents on Fouling Community Production and Function. 1980
Santa Barbara Oil Pollution, 1969. 1970
Seasonal Species Composition of Barnacle Larvae (Cirripedia: Thoracica) in Rhode Island Waters, 1977-1978. 1981
Some Effects of Early Starvation on the Survival and Development of Barnacle Nauplii, 'Balanus improvisus' (Darwin). 1982
Some Methods for Measuring Effects of Toxicants on Laboratory- and Field-Colonized Estuarine Benthic Communities. 1985
Tamano oil spill in Casco Bay : environmental effects and clean up operations / 1975
Temperature effects of crude oil in the upper intertidal zone / 1976
Uptake of Metals from Chromated-Copper-Arsenate (CCA)-Treated Lumber by Epibiota. 1993

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