Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 36
Showing: Items 1 - 36
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Banking)

Select Item Title Year Published
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown Virginia. Risk Reduction Benefits of Pollution Prevention Options. 1993
Choosing optimum financial strategies : pollution control systems / 1978
Compensating for wetland losses under the Clean Water Act / 2001
Compensatory wetland mitigation in Massachusetts / 1998
Environmental specimen banking and monitoring as related to banking : proceedings of the international workshop, Saarbruecken, Federal Republic of Germany, 10-15 May, 1982 1984
Evaluation and research of methodology for the National Environmental Specimen Bank / 1978
Final report for the NPDES computer data bank for Alaskan waters 1982
Guidelines for environmental specimen banking with special reference to the Federal Republic of Germany : ecological and managerial aspects / 1987
Hazardous air pollutant emissions from process units in the synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry : background information for final standards / 1994
Hazardous metals in the environment 1992
International finance : law and regulation / 2012
Lawyers, swamps, and money : U.S. wetland law, policy, and politics / 2011
Layperson's guide to water marketing & transfers / 1996
Manual for a Prototype Emissions Banking and Trading Recordkeeping System. 1982
Monitoring environmental materials and specimen banking proceedings of the international workshop, Berlin (West), 23-28 October 1978 / 1979
National Consumer Cooperative Bank : an institution in transition, report 1983
National wetland mitigation banking study / 1992
National Wetland Mitigation Banking Study : wetland migitation {sic} banking / 1994
Partnerships in restoration workshop : mitigation banking workgroup : final report / submitted by Tracey P. McKenzie, Parametrix, Inc. and Michael Rylko, Environmental Protection Agency. 1992
Plan for a National Environmental Specimen Bank / 1978
Pollution prevention financing : the banking outreach project / 1993
Progress in Environmental Specimen Banking. 1988
Recommendations of the EPA/NBS workshop on the National Environmental Specimen Bank / 1977
Results of geologic and hydrologic testing program for the Madera Ranch groundwater banking project / 1998
Shadow banking : scope, origins and theories / 2017
Summary and Analysis of Comments: Control of Emissions of Air Pollution from Highway Heavy-Duty Engines. 1997
The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) cooperative governance for network innovation, standards, and community / [electronic resource] : 2014
Trends and patterns in Section 404 Permitting requiring compensatory mitigation in Oregon and Washington, USA / 1992
Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program, 1985. Volume 2. Northwestern Illinois Region. 1986
Vultures' picnic : in pursuit of petroleum pigs, power pirates, and high-finance carnivores / 2012
Water banking : how to stop wasting agricultural water 1978
Water banks in the West 1994
Wetland mitigation : mitigation banking and other strategies for development and compliance / 1997
Wetlands and water quality trading : review of current science and economic practices with selected case studies / 2007
Wetlands and water quality trading : review of current science and economic practices with selected case studies / 2007
Wetlands protection : assessments needed to determine effectiveness of in-lieu-fee mitigation. 2001

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