Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Bacteria Heterotrophic)

Select Item Title Year Published
Drinking water criteria document on heterotrophic bacteria draft 5. 1984
Enumeration and identification of heterotrophic bacteria from drinking water / 1985
Heterotrophic activity in the sea 1984
Heterotrophic plate count bacteria in potable water : monitoring methods and application / 1989
Heterotrophic plate counts and drinking-water safety : the significance of HPCs for water quality and human health / 2003
Identification of heterotrophic bacteria that colonize chloraminated water distribution systems / 2008
Microbiological decomposition of chlorinated aromatic compounds / 1987
Utilization of dissolved organic carbon by heterotrophic bacteria and protozoa project completion report / 1979

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