Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 725
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Select Item Title Year Published
A Biomass Future for the North American Great Plains Toward Sustainable Land Use and Mitigation of Greenhouse Warming / [electronic resource] : 2007
A new era of cooperation / 1988
A practical guide to containment : greenhouse research with transgenic plants and microbes / 2001
Abiotic stress tolerance in plants [electronic resource] / 2006
Actin-based Motility Cellular, Molecular and Physical Aspects / [electronic resource] : 2010
Active pharmaceutical ingredients in synthesis : catalytic processes in research and development / 2018
Adult Stem Cells Biology and Methods of Analysis / [electronic resource] : 2011
Advanced Environmental Monitoring [electronic resource] / 2008
Advanced methods in molecular biology and biotechnology : a practical lab manual / 2021
Advanced Science and Technology for Biological Decontamination of Sites Affected by Chemical and Radiological Nuclear Agents [electronic resource] / 2007
Advanced Techniques in Soil Microbiology [electronic resource] / 2007
Advances in Plant Ethylene Research Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the Plant Hormone Ethylene / [electronic resource] : 2007
Agricultural biotechnology 1998
Agricultural biotechnology & the public good / 1994
Agricultural biotechnology : a public conversation about risk / 1993
Agricultural biotechnology : background and recent issues / 2005
Agricultural biotechnology : strategies for national competitiveness / 1987
Agricultural biotechnology and the environment science, policy, and social issues / 1996
Agricultural Biotechnology in China Origins and Prospects / [electronic resource] : 2008
Agricultural biotechnology, food safety and nutritional quality for the consumer / 1990
Agro-technology : a philosophical introduction / 2011
Algal biotechnology 1988
Algal Toxins: Nature, Occurrence, Effect and Detection [electronic resource] / 2008
Altered harvest : agriculture, genetics, and the fate of the world's food supply 1985
Americans and GM food knowledge, opinion and interest in 2004 / {electronic publication} : 2004
Amino Acid Biosynthesis ~ Pathways, Regulation and Metabolic Engineering [electronic resource] / 2007
An African Green Revolution Finding Ways to Boost Productivity on Small Farms / [electronic resource] : 2013
Anaerobic biotransformation of contaminants in the subsurface / 1991
Analytical biotechnology capillary electrophoresis and chromatography / 1990
Analytical methods. 2009
Ane's illustrated dictionary of biotechnology / 2009
Animal biotechnology : science-based concerns / 2002
Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT), Kyoto, Japan, September 25-28, 2006 / [electronic resource] : 2009
Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects Proceedings of the 21st Annual and International Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT), Fukuoka, Japan, November 24-27, 2008 / [electronic resource] : 2010
Animal cloning and the production of food products : perspectives from the food chain : proceedings from a workshop / 2002
Antibiotics The Perfect Storm / [electronic resource] : 2010
Antifouling Compounds [electronic resource] / 2006
Application of biotechnology environmental and policy issues / 1987
Application of biotechnology to PCB disposal problems 1985
Application of Microbial Ecology Research to Environmental Problems. 1994
Application of Phytotechnologies for Cleanup of Industrial, Agricultural, and Wastewater Contamination [electronic resource] / 2010
Applications of biotechnology 1985
Applications of Biotechnology in Cardiovascular Therapeutics [electronic resource] / 2011
Applications of enzyme biotechnology 1991
Applications of Gene-Based Technologies for Improving Animal Production and Health in Developing Countries [electronic resource] / 2005
Applications of Plant Metabolic Engineering [electronic resource] / 2007
Applied Biochemistry and Biotecnology The Twenty-Eighth Symposium Proceedings of the Twenty-Eight Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals Held April 30-May 3, 2006, in Nashville, Tennessee / [electronic resource] : 2007
Applied Environmental Biotechnology: Present Scenario and Future Trends [electronic resource] / 2015
Applied microbial physiology : a practical approach / 1997
Applied microbiology 1986
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