Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 102
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
Absorption of Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide by Water Solutions, Protein Solutions, and Soils. 1966
Africa and global change : report from a meeting at Niamey, Niger, 23-27 November, 1992 / 1994
Air Pollution: Air Quality Criteria for Carbon Monoxide. 1972
Airborne Trace Elements in Great Smoky Mountains, Olympic, and Glacier National Parks. 1984
An examination of some micrometeorological methods for measuring dry deposition / 1978
Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions: Toward a Better Understanding of the Ecological Consequences of Fossil Fuel Combustion. 1981
Atmospheric Formaldehyde and the Potential for Plant Effects. 1991
Biodiversity II : understanding and protecting our biological resources / 1997
Biosphere and environmental safety / 2019
Biosphere reserves in action case studies of the American experience / 1995
Biospheric aspects of the hydrological cycle (BAHC) : the operational plan / 1993
Brazil's Land-Based CO2 Exchange for 1990 and Links to the Global Carbon Cycle. 1995
Can Intensive Management Increase Carbon Storage in Forests. 1991
Capacity of the Soil as a Natural Sink for Carbon Monoxide. 1972
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems. 1993
Carbon Sequestration in Soils and Global Climatic Change. 1991
Climate Change and Isoprene Emissions from Vegetation. 1991
Climate-Biosphere Interactions Scope of Work. 1989
Climatic Classification and Future Global Redistribution of Agricultural Land. 1993
Community Sustainability Indicators Workshop. 1998
Comparison of Two Methods to Assess the Carbon Budget of Forest Biomes in the Former Soviet Union. 1993
Conservation and Sequestration of Carbon: The Potential of Forest and Agroforest Management Practices. 1993
Continental Scale Biome Responses to Climatic Change. 1991
Development of a pollutant monitoring system for biosphere reserves / 1978
Ecology and the biosphere : principles and problems / 1996
Effect of air pollution on Pinus strobus L. and genetic resistance : a literature review / 1977
Effects of Solar Radiation on Organic Matter Cycling: Formation of Carbon Monoxide and Carbonyl Sulfide (Chapter 11). 1994
Elements of the U.S. Carbon Budget: Progress and Preliminary Results. 1991
Encyclopedia of the biosphere / 2000
EPA Symposium - Alternative Chemicals Program with an Overview of Pesticide Research and Development, held at Denver, Colorado on 14-16 August 1974 / 1974
Equilibrium-Analysis of Projected Climate Change Effects on the Global Soil Organic Matter Pool. 1992
Evaluation of Forest Canopy Models for Estimating Isoprene Emissions. 1996
Evolution of the biosphere 1986
Fate of Nitrogen Oxides in the Atmosphere. 1974
Forestation and Forest Management Options and Their Costs at the Site Level. 1991
Global Assessment of Promising Forest Management Practices for Sequestration of Carbon. 1992
Global Carbon Cycle and Climate Change. 1992
Global Carbon Cycle and Climate Change: Responses and Feedbacks from Below-Ground Systems. 1991
Global change System for Analysis, Research and Training (START) : report of a meeting at Bellagio, December 3-7, 1990 / 1991
Global Ecosystems Database Project: An Experiment in Data Integration for Global Change. 1993
Global Ecosystems Database Project: Experiments in Characterization. 1994
Global Ecosystems Database. Version 0.1 (Beta-test). EPA Global Climate Research Program. NOAA/NGDC Global Change Database Program. Prototype 1. Database Documentation. NGDC Key to Geophysical Records Documentation No. 25. 1991
Global Environmental Characterization: Lessons from the NOAA-EPA Global Ecosystems Database Project. 1993
Global environmental monitoring system; technical report from Sweden to the IBP ad hoc Committee on Global Monitoring. 1970
Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle. 1993
Great Smoky Mountains preliminary study for biosphere reserve pollutant monitoring / 1979
Haze Formation -- Its Nature and Origin. 1972
Here on earth : a natural history of the planet / 2010
Identification and control of pollutants of broad international significance : (subject area III). 1972
IGBP directory. 1997
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