Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 201 - 250
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Automotive fuels)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Human Exposure Estimates of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE). 1995
Human Exposure to Methyl 'tert'-Butyl Ether (MTBE) While Bathing with Contaminated Water. 2003
Impact of fuels on diesel exhaust emissions. A chemical and biological characterization. 1991
Impact of Gasohol on Automobile Evaporative and Tailpipe Emissions. 1981
Impact of motor gasoline lead additive regulations on petroleum refineries and energy resources : 1974-1980, phase I / 1974
Impact on Man of Environmental Contamination Caused by Lead. 1971
Impacts of synthetic liquid fuel development : automotive market, volume I, summary / 1976
In-house test program report no. 3 : effect of fuel composition / 1976
In-house test program report no. 4 : typical vehicle diurnal / 1976
In-house test program report no. 5 : hot soak temperature constraints / 1976
In-house test program report no. 6 : hot soak time constraints / 1976
Influence of Oxygenated Fuels on the Emissions from Three Pre-1985 Light-Duty Passenger Vehicles. 1994
Intake system deposits and gasoline/alcohol blends / 1988
Investigation of a Substitute Fuel to Control Automotive Air Pollution. 1970
Investigation of analyzer problems in the measurement of NOx from methanol vehicles / 1988
Investigation of Passenger Car Refueling Losses. 1970
Kansas City PM Characterization Study. 2008
Labeling fuels : a guide for importers, producers, refiners, distributors, and retailers of vehicle fuels and manufacturers of electric vehicle fuel dispensing systems / 1996
Light-duty automotive technology and fuel economy trends through 1989 / 1989
Light-duty automotive technology and fuel economy trends through 1990 / 1990
Light-duty automotive technology and fuel economy trends through 1991 / 1991
Light-duty vehicle driveability procedure investigation / 1981
Marketing and mobility : report of a panel of the Interagency Task Force on Motor Vehicle Goals beyond 1980 / 1976
Methanol-Gasoline Fuels for Automotive Transportation - A Review. 1974
Motor Fuel Consumption Model. Eleventh Periodical Report. 1985
Motor vehicle-related air toxics study / 1992
Octane Requirements of 1975 Model Year Automobiles Fueled with Unleaded Gasoline. 1975
On-Road Motor Vehicle Emissions including NH3, SO2 and NO2. 2009
Optimum engine for methanol utilization : final report. 1983
Overview of Several EPA Misfueling Test Programs. 1980
Oxyfuels information needs. 1996
Proceedings of the Conference on MTBE and Other Oxygenates: A Research Update. Held in Falls Church, Virginia on July 26-28, 1993. 1995
Proceedings of the diesel particulate control / January 27-28, 1987. 1988
Proceedings of the Diesel Particulate Control/Alternative Fuels Symposium, January 27-28, 1987, Bismarck Hotel, Chicago, Illinois / 1987
Protocol to characterize gaseous emissions as a function of fuel-additive composition / 1975
Public Health Aspects of Increasing Tetraethyl Lead Content in Motor Fuel. 1959
Recent results from prototypevehicle technology evaluation using M100 neat methanol fuel / 1990
Report by the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions. 1974
Resistively heated methanol dissociator for engine cold start assist : interim report II / 1989
Seventeenth summary report : Highway Vehicle Systems Contractors Coordination Meeting, October 23, 24, 25, 1979, Dearborn, Michigan / 1979
Spray characteristics of two types of fuel injectors / 1993
Spreadsheet Model for Preparing Automative Exhaust Surrogates (SMPAES) (on Diskette). 1997
Study of decomposed methanol as a low emission fuel : final report / 1971
Tax Systems to Support Reduction of Lead Content in Motor Gasolines. 1971
Technical and Economic Study of Waste Oil Recovery. Part IV. Energy Consumption in Waste Oil Recovery. Part V. A Field Test of the Quality of Re-refined Lube Oils. Part VI. A Review of Re-refining Economics. 1975
The effect of gasohol on I/M programs / 1981
The emission effects of misfueling five 1981-82 model year automobiles with 10 continuous tankfuls of leaded gasoline / 1983
The impact of methanol and CNG fuels on motor vehicle fuel toxic emissions / 1991
Underground motor fuel storage tanks : a national survey / 1986
United States Lppsd Technical Information Exchange Document No. 2. A Summary Report of the Automotive Power Systems Contractors Coordination Meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 13--16, 1974. 1974
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