Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Automobiles Tires)

Select Item Title Year Published
An economic evaluation of technical systems for scrap tire recycling / 1975
Comparison of hot to cold tire : fuel economy / 1978
Costs, benefits and methods of including tire inflation in state vehicle inspection programs / 1981
Costs, benefits and methods of including tire inflation in state vehicle inspection programs / 1981
Determination of tire energy dissipation analysis and recommended practices : technical report / 1978
Evaluation of particulate emission factors for vehicle tire wear / 1979
Investigation of products of tire wear / 1972
Low rolling resistance tires. 2003
Proceedings [of the] International Automobile Tire Conference / 1974
Rolling resistance measurements : 160 passenger car tires / 1981
Summary and analysis of comments received in response to draft EPA procedures for the measurement of tire rolling resistance and subsequent grading and labeling of tires / 1980
Summary and analysis of comments received in response to the EPA report : determination of tire energy dissipation analysis and recommended practices / 1979
Tire fire. 1987
Tire programs : several approaches with significant potential to decrease fuel consumption / 1979
Tire rolling losses and fuel economy : an R & D Planning Workshop / 1977
Tire-dynamometer roll effects / 1978
Tires and passenger vehicle fuel economy : informing consumers, improving performance / 2006
Tires, open burning / 1998

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