Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 395
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Automobiles Motors Exhaust gas United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A report on the emission performance of the Army sponsored Ford stratified charge engine / 1971
A report on the emission performance of the Ford stratified charge engine using the 1975 test procedure / 1971
A report on the exhaust emissions from a turbocharged Volkswagen / 1971
A report on the exhaust emissions of the 1971 production version of the Army M-151 Jeep / 1971
A second evaluation of the Echlin retrofit emission control system / 1973
A step-by-step guide to submit 40 CRF Part 1068 investigation, defect, remedial plan, and quarterly reports to EPA / 2017
A step-by-step guide to submit 40 CRF part 1068 investigation, defect, remedial plan, and quarterly reports to EPA. 2016
A step-by-step guide to submit 40 CRF part 85 defect, recall, and quarterly reports to EPA. 2016
A study of emissions from 1980 model year vehicles in the Denver Metropolitan area : final report / 1981
A study of emissions from light-duty vehicles in Denver / 1981
A study of methods for reducing evaporative background hydrocarbon emissions from new vehicles / 1976
Accounting for the tier 2 and heavy-duty 2005/2007 requirements in MOBILE6 : final report M6. EXH.004 / 2001
Addendum to the 2018 EPA automotive trends report : greenhouse gas emissions, fuel economy, and technology since 1975 / 2019
Air pollution : air quality implications of alternative fuels. 1990
Air toxic emissions from on-road vehicles in MOVES2014 / 2015
An evaluation of a 1975 prototype Chrysler passenger car / 1972
An evaluation of the emissions characteristics of the Esso well mixed thermal reactor / 1971
An evaluation of the Questor emission control system / 1972
An evaluation of two Toyo Kogyo 1975 Prototypes with rotary engines / 1973
An investigation of Rover's capabilities to accurately measure the in-use activity and emissions of late-model diesel and gasoline trucks / 2000
Analyses of assembly line testing : final report / 1973
Analysis of hot/cold cycle requirements for heavy-duty vehicles / 1978
Analysis of real-time vehicle hydrocarbon emissions data : project summary / 1994
Annual emissions and fuel consumption for an "average" passenger car / 1998
Applying TEAM in regional sketch planning : four case studies in: Puget Sound, Washington; Champaign, Illinois; Lake Charles, Louisiana; State of Connecticut / 2018
Applying TEAM in regional sketch planning : three case studies in: Atlanta, Orlando, St. Louis / 2016
Applying TEAM in regional sketch planning: a case study in Austin, Texas / 2020
Assessment of a proposed EPA regulation which would reduce carburetor adjustability / 1977
Assessment of test cell humidity measurement and control / 1980
Automobile emissions and energy consumption / 1974
Automobile exhaust emission modal analysis model / 1976
Automobile exhaust emission modal analysis model / 1973
Automotive fuels and air pollution / 1971
Average carbon dioxide emissions resulting from gasoline and diesel fuel / 2005
Buyer's guide data / 1978
Buying a new car?. 2001
Calculating emissions of greenhouse gases : key facts and figures. 2005
Characterization of emissions and fuel economy of in-use diesel automobiles / 1984
Clean air transportation and the power of partnerships. 2003
Clean vehicles + clean fuel = cleaner air / 2004
Commuter choice: guidance overview / 1999
Commuter programs : quantifying and using their emission benefits in SIPs and conformity : guidance for state and local air and transportation agencies / 2014
Companion guidance for the July 1, 2004 final transportation conformity rule : conformity implementation in multi-jurisdictional nonattainment and maintenance areas for existing and new air quality standards / 2004
Companion guidance for the July 1, 2004 final transportation conformity rule : conformity implementation in multi-jurisdictional nonattainment and maintenance areas for existing and new air quality standards / 2004
Comparison of start emissions in the LA92 and ST01 test cycles : M6.STE.001 / 2001
Conceptual designs for a new highway vehicle emissions estimation methodology / 1994
Conformity SIP guidance / 2004
Consumer willingness to pay for vehicle attributes : what is the current state of knowledge? / 2018
Cost effectiveness estimates for mobile source emission control / 1977
Costs and benefits of reducing lead in gasoline : draft final report / 1984
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