Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 192
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Automation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
101 uses of dBase in libraries 1990
15th National Online Meeting proceedings--1994 New York, May 10-12, 1994 / 1994
A study of pneumatic solid waste collection systems as employed in hospitals. 1974
A survey of commercially available automatic wastewater samplers / 1976
Access 2016 bible / 2015
Access services : the convergence of reference and technical services / 1991
Advanced automatic control strategies for the activated sludge treatment process / 1975
An automated TEM cell calibration system / 1984
An automatic chlorination system for eliminating biological growth in pumping systems for automatic instrumentation / 1978
Analysis of Extractable Priority Pollutants in Water by GC/MS. 1985
Annual report to the Director, Office of Management and Budget 1991
Annual review of information science and technology. 1966
Application of on-line analytical instrumentation to process control proceedings of the First Annual Conference on Activated Sludge Process Control / 1982
Application of Some Pattern Recognition Methods in Interpreting Mass Spectra (Anwendung Einiger Methoden der Zutomatischen Zeichenerkennung auf die Interpretation von Massenspektren). 1974
Assessment and strategy for automated process control in wastewater treatment. 1980
Automated 4AAP Phenolic Method. 1976
Automated Analyses for Environmental Pollution Control. 1972
Automated Classification Scheme Designed to Better Elucidate the Dependence of Ozone on Meteorology. 1994
Automated Closed Loop Control of Ozone Disinfection Using Flow-Paced Off-Gas Measurement. 1985
Automated Cryogenic Preconcentration and Gas Chromatographic Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air. 1984
Automated Gas Chromatographic System for Pesticide Residue Analysis. 1977
Automated In Situ water quality sensor workshop February 14-16, 1978 / 1978
Automated laboratory standards / 1990
Automated laboratory standards : results from survey of laboratory automated data management practices / 1990
Automated method for determining mercury in water 1970
Automated Multisample-Stream Chemical Monitoring System. 1977
Automated NaI 'well' counting system for the determination of radiocaesium. 1993
Automated stream analysis for process control 1982
Automatic Beaker Sample Changer. 1970
Automatic control for wastewater treatment systems 1980
Automatic radio tracking of fish in experimental channels / 1985
Automating science and engineering laboratories with visual basic 1999
Automation and instrumentation. 1983
Automation in analytical chemistry {papers} 1962
Automation in microbiology and immunology. 1975
Automation management strategies for water treatment facilities 1996
Automation of cytogenetics : Asilomar Workshop, Pacific Grove, California, November 30-December 2, 1976 / 1976
Automation of Experiments with a Hand-Held Programmable Calculator. 1985
Automation of Pesticide Residue Analysis. 1970
Automation of streamflow records 1963
Automation of the Resistivity Measurement for Fly Ash. 1988
Automation of water supply systems / 1975
Balancing multiple water quality objectives 1998
Calibration and automation of a dual-energy gamma system for applications in soil science / 1990
Chemical Analyses for Water Quality. Training Manual. 1973
Civil, architecture and environmental engineering / 2017
Coal preparation plant automation 1983
Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society. Advanced Health Care Pilot Study. 1976
Compilation of methodology for measuring pollution parameters of landfill leachate / 1975
Computer assisted area source emissions gridding procedure / 1974
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