Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
2-D proteome analysis protocols / 1999
A century's journey : how the great powers shape the world / 1999
A Global warming forum : scientific, economic, and legal overview / 1993
A part, yet apart : South Asians in Asian America / 1998
A primer on nonmarket valuation / 2003
Acceptable evidence : science and values in risk management / 1991
Acid stress and aquatic microbial interactions / 1989
Acidic precipitation : formation and impact on terrestrial ecosystems / 1987
Advanced fluid catalytic cracking technology / 1992
Advances in animal alternatives for safety and efficacy testing / 1998
Affinity membranes : their chemistry and performance in adsorptive separation processes / 1991
Agroforestry in sustainable agricultural systems / 1999
Air pollution effects on biodiversity / 1992
Air-borne sulphur pollution : effects and control : report prepared within the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution / 1984
Algae as ecological indicators / 1984
American Indian policy : self-governance and economic development / 1994
An Arctic ecosystem : the coastal tundra at Barrow, Alaska / 1980
Analysis of trace organics in the aquatic environment / 1989
Analytical instrumentation handbook / 1997
Annual review of fluid mechanics. 1969
Anthropogenic climatic change / 1991
Antibodies in cell biology / 1993
Application of biomarkers in cancer epidemiology / 1997
Applied environmental geochemistry / 1983
Applied polymer science / 1985
Applied toxicology of petroleum hydrocarbons / 1984
Asbestos, properties, applications, and hazards / 1979
Assessing schools for generation R (responsibility) : a guide to legislation and school policy in science education / 2014
Assessing the impacts of climate change on natural resource systems / 1994
Barrier islands. 1973
Barriers and bridges to the renewal of ecosystems and institutions / 1995
Behavioral mechanisms in evolutionary ecology / 1994
Beyond the biomass : compositional and functional analysis of soil microbial communities / 1994
Biochemistry of metal micronutrients in the rhizosphere / 1994
Biodegradability of organic substances in the aquatic environment / 1990
Biodiversity in ecosystems : principles and case studies of different complexity levels / 1999
Biodiversity of the southeastern United States : aquatic communities / 1992
Biogeochemistry of marine dissolved organic matter / 2002
Bioinformatics methods and protocols / 2000
Biologic markers in reproductive toxicology / 1989
Biologic markers of air-pollution stress and damage in forests / 1989
Biological effects of electromagnetic radiation / 1983
Biological surveys of estuaries and coasts / 1987
Biological threats and terrorism : assessing the science and response capabilities : workshop summary / 2002
Biotechnology : principles and applications / 1985
Biotechnology and patent protection : an international review / 1985
Carbohydrate metabolism / 1966
Cell lineage and fate determination / 1999
Cellular and molecular toxicology and in vitro toxicology / 1990
Changing climate : report of the Carbon Dioxide Assessment Committee, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research Council. 1983
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