Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Attenuation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A citizen's guide to monitored natural attenuation. 2012
A citizen's guide to natural attenuation. 1996
A guide for assessing biodegradation and source identification of organic ground water contaminants using Compound Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) [electronic resource] / 2008
A mathematical analysis of the kinetics of viral inactivation / 1974
A methodology for determining the effects of fuels and additives on atmospheric visibility / 1975
A Study of Proposed Ear Protection Devices for Low Frequency Noise Attenuation. 1975
Accelerated bioremediation of chlorinated compounds in groundwater : selected Battelle Conference papers 1999-2000 / 2000
Acoustic Attenuation by Vaporization of Liquid Droplets -- Application to Noise Reduction in Aircraft Powerplants. 1975
Aerosol characteristics and visibility / 1977
Airborne laser fluorosensing of surface water chlorophyll a / 1979
Anaerobic degradation of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and association with microbial communities in a freshwater tidal wetland, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland : laboratory experiments and comparisons to field data / 2003
Approach for Evaluating the Progress of Natural Attenuation in Groundwater. 2011
Artificial or Constructed Wetlands : A Suitable Technology for Sustainable Water Management / 2018
Assessing UST corrective action technologies : In situ SVE-based systems for free product recovery and residual hydrocarbon removal / 1996
Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: Diagnostic Evaluation of In situ SVE-Based System Performance. 1996
Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: In situ SVE-Based Systems for Free Product Recovery and Residual Hydrocarbon Removal. 1996
ASTM standards on assessment and remediation of petroleum release sites 1999
Atmospheric attenuation of CO laser radiation / 1971
Atmospheric Turbidity and Precipitation Chemistry Data for the World - 1973. 1975
Attenuation of Solar UV Radiation by Aerosols During Air Pollution Episodes. 2003
BIOCHLOR : natural attenuation decision support system : user's manual version 1.0 / 2000
Bioplume III natural attentuation decision support system user's manual version 1.0 1998
Bioremediation and natural attenuation : process fundamentals and mathematical models / 2006
BIOSCREEN natural attenuation decision support system, user's manual / {computer file} : 1996
Calculation and use of first-order rate constants for monitored natural attenuation studies / 2002
Calculation and use of first-order rate constants for monitored natural attenuation studies / 2002
Case Study: Natural Attenuation of a Trichloroethene Plume at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey. 1996
Citizen's guide to monitored natural attenuation. 2001
Commonly Asked Questions Regarding the Use of Natural Attenuation for Chlorinated Solvent Spills at Federal Facilities. 1996
Commonly Asked Questions Regarding the Use of Natural Attenuation for Petroleum-Contaminated Sites at Federal Facilities. 1996
Conceptual Framework for a Synoptic Assessment of the Prairie Pothole Region. 1996
Demonstrating remediation by natural attenuation using numerical ground water models and annual ground water sampling / 1997
Design and Interpretation of Microcosm Studies for Chlorinated Compounds. 1996
Draft interim final OSWER monitored natural attenuation policy. 1997
Effects of atmospheric aerosols on infrared irradiance at the earth's surface in a nonurban environment / 1975
Effects of Clouds on UV-B Radiation. 1995
Enhanced attenuation : chlorinated organics / 2008
Enhanced attenuation : chlorinated organics / 2008
Environmental Chemistry and Kinetics of Biotransformation of Chlorinated Organic Compounds in Ground Water. 1996
EPA superfund record of decision : Fort Wainwright OU 5, Fairbanks, AK. 1999
Estimating Critical External Nitrogen Loads for the Tampa Bay Estuary: An Empirically Based Approach to Setting Management Targets. 1996
Estimating the Changing Rate of Anaerobic Reductive Dechlorination of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in the Presence of Petroleum Hydrocarbons. 1996
Evaluation of the Protocol for Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents: Case Study at the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant. 2001
Explanation of significant difference for the superfund record of decision : Commencement Bay, South Tacoma Channel, Tacoma, WA. 1999
Explanation of significant difference for the superfund record of decision : Commencement Bay, South Tacoma Channel, Tacoma, WA. 1999
Explanation of significant difference for the superfund record of decision : Osborne Landfill (ROD #2), Grove City, PA. 1998
Extraction of Degradation Rate Constants from the St. Joseph, Michigan Trichloroethene Site. 1996
Field Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity for Assessments of Natural Attenuation. 1997
First Five-Year Review Report for Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site. 2012
Five-Course Evaluation Summary : ITRC/RTDF Training Course: Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater / 1999
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