Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 41
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Atomic power plants Environmental aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
Answers to questions about removing krypton from the Three Mile Island Unit 2 reactor building 1980
Assessment of environmental radioactivity in the vicinity of Shippingport Atomic Power Station. 1973
Citizen groups and the nuclear power controversy: uses of scientific and technological information 1974
Combined effects of radioactive, chemical and thermal releases to the environment : proceedings of a symposium on the combined effects on the environment of radioactive, chemical and thernal releases from the nuclear inductry jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, and held in Stockholm, 2-5 June 1975. 1975
Connecticut River ecological study : the impact of a nuclear power plant / 1976
Ecology of the zoobenthos of southeastern Lake Michigan near the D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant 1984
Ecology of the zoobenthos of southeastern Lake Michigan near the D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant Part 4, 1985
Environmental aspects of nuclear power / 1976
Environmental assessment for decontamination of the Three Mile Island Unit 2 Reactor Building atmosphere : draft NRC Staff Report for public comment 1980
Environmental effects of cooling systems at nuclear power plants : proceedings of a Symposium on the Physical and Biological Effects on the Environment of Cooling Systems and Thermal Discharges at Nuclear Power Stations 1975
Environmental impact monitoring of nuclear power plants : source book of monitoring methods : prepared for Atomic Industrial Forum, inc. 1975
Environmental impact of nuclear power plants : proceedings of a conference held November 26-30, 1974 1976
Environmental planning and the siting of nuclear facilities : the integration of water, air, coastal, and comprehensive planning into the nuclear siting process / 1977
Environmental surveillance at Hanford. 0
Evaluation of environmental data relating to selected nuclear power plant sites : Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant site 1976
Evaluation of environmental data relating to selected nuclear power plant sites; the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Power Station site, unit 1 1976
Field distribution and entrainment of fish larvae and eggs at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan : 1973-1979 / 1984
Final environmental impact statement on the disposal of decommissioned, defueled naval submarine reactor plants 1984
Final environmental statement related to operation of Indian Point Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit no. 3 : Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., docket no. 50-286. 1975
Final environmental statement related to operation of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation / 1972
Final generic environmental statement on the use of recycle plutonium in mixed oxide fuel in light water cooled reactors health, safety, and environment : executive summary. 1976
Hydrological-biological models of the impact of entrainment of spawn of the striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in proposed power plants at two areas in the upper Chesapeake Bay 1975
Impact on water quality and water resources of nuclear power plants in Texas : thesis / 1975
Krypton-85 in the atmosphere : accumulation, biological significance, and control technology : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1975
Liquid metal fast breeder reactor an environmental and economic critique 1974
Non-nuclear futures : the case for an ethical energy strategy 1975
NRC plan for cleanup operations at Three Mile Island Unit 2 / 1980
Nuclear power and its environmental effects 1980
Nuclear power and the Sound : proceedings of a public policy forum / 1978
Poisoned power the case against nuclear power plants, 1971
Population dose and health impact of the accident at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station : preliminary estimates for the period March 28, 1979 through April 7, 1979 1979
Predicting effects of power plant once-through cooling on aquatic systems : a state-of-the-art report of IHP Working Group 6.2 on the effects of thermal discharges 1979
Quantitative Environmental Comparison of Coal and Nuclear Generation Workshop summary / 1975
Radiation exposure overview : nuclear power reactors and the population / 1970
Radioactive waste disposal in the Upper Ohio River Basin with emphasis upon the Shippingport Atomic Power Station : a report to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health / 1962
Radioecology and energy resources : proceedings of the Fourth National Symposium on Radioecology, May 12-14, 1975, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 1976
Radiological surveillance studies at a pressurized water nuclear power reactor / 1973
Response to specific questions on the Indian Point probabilistic safety study : report 1983
Results of benthic studies at Calvert Cliffs final report to the Maryland Power Plant Siting Program / 1980
Summary of current findings : Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant aquatic monitoring program 1977
Technique for environmental decision making using quantified social and aesthetic values. 1974

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