Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Atomic absorption)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A computer interface for a Perkin-Elmer 5000 atomic absorption instrument / 1982
Analysis of lithium in deep basalt groundwaters using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry / 1986
Analytical Method for Total Heavy Metal Complexing Agents in Water and Its Application to Water Quality Studies. 1973
Analytical method, procedure and evaluation relative to the referee method submitted for approved use in the national Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) as specified by the October 16, 1973 Federal Register : the determination of antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, lead, selenium, silver and tellurium in environmental water samples by flameless atomic absorption / 1977
Analytical performance criteria for lead test kits and other analytical methods / 1991
Application of modified aluminon and GFASS methods to beryllium determination in drinking water / 1992
Arsenic in potable waters by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (semiautomatic method) 1982. 1983
Assessment of Arsenic Losses during Ashing: A Comparison of Two Methods Applied to Atmospheric Particulates. 1978
Atomic Absorption Analysis of Phosphates in Water. 1973
Atomic Absorption Analysis of Phosphates in Water/ 1973
Atomic absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy 1974
Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Determination of Arsenite in Water Samples by Graphite Furnace After Extraction with Ammonium sec-Butyldithiophosphate. 1984
Atomic absorption spectrometry 1999
Atomic absorption spectrometry / 1975
Atomic absorption spectrometry in occupational and environmental health practice 1983
Atomic absorption spectrophotometry 1971
Atomic absorption spectrophotometry 1969
Atomic absorption spectrophotometry, 1979 version : an essay review 1980
Atomic absorption spectroscopy 1978
Atomic absorption spectroscopy 1966
Atomic absorption spectroscopy 1969
Atomic absorption spectroscopy; applications in agriculture, biology, and medicine 1970
Atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, 1966
Atomic-absorption spectroscopy : and analysis by atomic-absorption flame photometry / 1968
Automated method for the determination of Na, K, Mg and Ca using atomic absorption spectroscopy 1983
Cadmium Bioaccumulation Assays. Their Relationship to Various Ionic Equilibria in Lake Superior Water. 1979
Chemical analysis of samples of crude petroleum for cadmium content : task 15 : final report / 1980
Chemical analysis of waste crankcase oil combustion samples {MICROFICHE} 1983
Chesapeake Bay Sediment Trace Elements. 1983
Collaborative testing of NIOSH atomic absorption method 1979
Comparison of AAS and ICP analyses of waste extracts / 1984
Comparison of Cadmium Cytotoxicity in Human versus Rat Nasal Epithelial Cells In vitro. 1990
Comprehensive abatement performance pilot study / 1995
Computer Control and Acquisition System for Atomic Absorption Data. 1981
Computer-Assisted Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Analysis. 1977
Concepts, instrumentation and techniques in atomic absorption spectrophotometry 1978
Detection and determination of trace elements; absorption spectrophotometry, emission spectroscopy, polarography. 1971
Determination of 1,2-Diols by Indirect Atomic Absorption with Digested Lead Periodate. 1979
Determination of arsenic and selenium in surface water by atomic absorption to support environmental monitoring programs 1974
Determination of Arsenic by HPLC-Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. 1986
Determination of metals in atmospheric particulates using low-volume sampling and flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy : technical report 1974
Determination of Trace Elements in Water Utilizing Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Measurement. 1972
Determining Dissolved Hexavalent Chromium in Water and Wastewater by Electrothermal Atomization. 1982
Development and evaluation of procedures for the analysis of simplecyanides, total cyanide, and thiocyanate in water and wastewater / 1983
Development and Testing of a Double-Beam Adsorption Spectrograph for the Simultaneous Determination of Different Cations in Water. 1972
Development of a method for the speciation of source mercury emissions / 1998
Direct Determination of Cadmium in Biological Samples by Selective Volatilization and Graphite Tube Reservoir Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. 1973
Direct Determination of Metals in Air. 1973
Direct Determination of Phosphorus in Gasoline by Flameless Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. 1978
Distribution of Trace Metals in Impoundments. 1970
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