Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Atmospheric turbulence)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A mean turbulent field closure model of air flow within and above vegetative canopies / 1975
A numerical and experimental study of stably stratified flow around complex terrain / 1976
A user's guide for the CALPUFF dispersion model / 1995
Air pollution and atmospheric diffusion. 1973
Air pollution and turbulence : modeling and applications / 2010
An aircraft investigation of turbulence in the lower layers of a marine boundary layer / 1973
An Evaluation of a solar radiation/delta-T Method for estimating Pasquill-Gifford (P-G) stability categories. 1993
An evaluation of wind measurements by four Doppler sodars / 1985
An experimental study of turbulence in an urban environment / 1981
An investigation of the eddy heat-diffusion coefficient / 1973
Atmospheric and meteorological aspects of air pollution. 1969
Atmospheric diffusion and air pollution problems = Voprosy atmosfernoy diffuzii i zagryazneniya vozdukha. 1974
Atmospheric diffusion and air pollution; proceedings. 1959
Atmospheric diffusion; the dispersion of windborne material from industrial and other sources 1974
Atmospheric modeling of releases from weapons of mass destruction : response by Federal agencies in support of homeland security / 2002
Atmospheric turbulence : models and methods for engineering applications 1984
Atmospheric turbulence and air pollution modelling a course held in The Hague, 21-25 September 1981 / 1982
Atmospheric turbulence and the dispersal of atmospheric pollutants / 1973
Atmospheric turbulence properties in the lowest 300 meters / 1975
Atmospheric turbulence. 1965
Basic regularity in turbulent mixing in the surface layer of the atmosphere 1957
Characteristics of winds and turbulence in the planetary boundary layer / 1969
Concentration fluctuations and averaging time in vapor clouds / 1995
Correlation of field observations of plume rise, 1969
Derivation of a non-boussinesq set of equations for an atmospheric shear layer / 1973
Development of a "generic" mobile flux platform with demonstration on a small airplane / 1990
Dynamics of entrainment in the planetary boundary layer : a study in turbulence modeling and parameterization / 1975
Eddy covariance method : for scientific, regulatory, and commercial applications / 2021
Eddy covariance method for scientific, industrial, agricultural, and regulatory applications : a field book on measuring ecosystem gas exchange and areal emission rates / 2013
Effects of the turbulent atmosphere on wave propagation 1971
Eighth Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion April 25-29, 1988, San Diego, Calif. / 1988
Environmental hazards : the fluid dynamics and geophysics of extreme events / 2011
Experimental investigation of the turbulence structure in the lower atmosphere / 1966
Exploring the atmosphere's first mile : proceedings of the Great Plains turbulence field program, 1 August to 8 September 1953, O'Neill, Nebraska / 1957
Flow and dispersion over three-dimensional axisymmetric hills : a wind tunnel study / 1984
Fundamental regularities of turbulent agitation in the ground layer of the atmosphere / 1959
Heat and water vapor exchange between water surface and atmosphere / 1973
Influence of Upstream Wind Shear and Turbulence on the Wind Pattern and Pollutant Concentrations within Street Canyons: A Numerical Simulation Study. 1995
International Symposium on Atmospheric Turbulence in the Boundary Layer / 1952
Laboratory and numerical simulation of plume dispersion in stably stratified flow over complex terrain / 1974
Laws governing the microstructure of temperature and wind in the surface layer of the atmosphere = zakonomernosti mikrostrucktury temperatury i vetra v prizemnom sloe atmosfery / 1961
Lidar and sodar support of the state program : Tennessee plume study : data presentations / 1979
Linearized Solution to Impulsive Latent Heat Release in a Dilute, Isothermal Atmosphere. 1971
Mean Flow and Turbulence Measurements Around a 2-D Array of Buildings in a Wind Tunnel. 2000
Multi-Stream Model for Vertical Mixing of a Passive Tracer in the Convective Boundary Layer. 1999
Ninth Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion, April 30-May 3, 1990, Roskilde, Denmark / 1990
On the parametrization of orographic drag / 1986
Plume dispersion in stably stratified flows over complex terrain : phase 2 / 1976
Project Prairie Grass : a field program in diffusion / 1958
S-Band Propagation Disturbance During Alsep Mission Support Preliminary Report, 19 Nov. 1969 - 30 Jun. 1970. 1971
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