Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Atmospheric chemistry Congresses)

Select Item Title Year Published
11th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with A&WMA, 9-14 January 2000, Long Beach, California ; Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry : issues in the 21st century, 9-14 January 2000, Long Beach, California / 2000
Aeronomy of the stratosphere and mesosphere : symposium held in Kyoto, Japan, September 10-12, 1973 1974
Approaches to scaling of trace gas fluxes in ecosystems 1999
Atmospheric biogenic hydrocarbons 1981
Atmospheric chemistry : papers from the 9th World Clean Air Congress, Towards the year 2000--critical issues in the global environment, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 30-September 4, 1992 / 1992
Changing atmosphere report of the Dahlem Workshop on the Changing Atmosphere, Berlin, 1987, November 1-6 / 1988
Characterizing sources of indoor air pollution and related sink effects / 1996
Chemical events in the atmosphere and their impact on the environment : proceedings of a study week at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, November 7-11, 1983 / 1986
Chemical kinetic data needs for modeling the lower troposphere : proceedings of a workshop held at Reston, Virginia, May 15-17, 1978 / 1979
Chemistry of the unpolluted and polluted troposphere : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held on the Island of Corfu, Greece, September 28-October 10, 1981 1982
Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry : January 23-28, 1994, Nashville, Tennessee / 1994
Conference proceedings the changing atmosphere : implications for global security, Toronto, Canada, 27-30 June 1988 = Actes de la conference : l'atmosphere en evolution : implications pour la securite du globe, Toronto, Canada, 27-30 juin 1988. 1989
Contributions to the 4th International Conference on Precipitation Scavening, Dry Deposition, and Resuspension, November 29-Dec.3, 1982, Santa Monica, CA. 1983
Control and fate of atmospheric trace metals 1989
Deposition both wet and dry / 1984
Exchange of trace gases between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere : report of the Dahlem Workshop on Exchange of Trace Gases between Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Atmosphere, Berlin 1989, February 19-24 / 1989
First European Symposium, Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants, Ispra, 16-18 October 1979 : proceedings 1980
Fourth Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 13-17 January 2002, Orlando, Florida : urban, regional and global-scale impacts of air pollution / 2002
Future directions for HxOy detection : proceedings of a workshop held in Menlo Park, California, August 12-15, 1985 / 1986
Global biomass burning : atmospheric, climatic, and biospheric implications / 1991
Millennium Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry : past, present, and future of atmospheric chemistry, 14-18 January 2001, Albuquerque, New Mexico ; 15th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, 14-18 January 2001, Albuquerque, New Mexico / 2001
Papers presented at the WMO Technical Conference on Regional and Global Observation of Atmospheric Pollution Relative to Climate, Boulder, 20-24 August 1979. 1980
Pathways of pollutants in the atmosphere : a Royal Social discussion organized by T. M. Sugden for the Royal Society's Study Group on Pollution in the Atmosphere, held on 3 and 4 November 1977. 1979
Physico-chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants : proceedings of the second European Symposium held at Varese, Italy on September 29 to October 1, 1981 1982
Physico-chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants : proceedings of the Third European Symposium held in Varese, Italy, 10-12 April 1984 1984
Pollutants from combustion : formation and impact on atmospheric chemistry / 2000
Removal of trace contaminants from the air : a symposium co-sponsored by the Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry and the Division of Environmental Chemistry at the 168th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, N.J., September 10-11, 1974 / 1975
Summary report of the NCAQ Carbon Dioxide Workshop, St. Petersburg, Florida, October 30-31, 1980 1981
Symposium on the Role of Clouds in Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Climate, January 30-February 3, 1989, Anaheim, Calif. 1988
Terrestrial biosphere exchange with global atmospheric chemistry : terrestrial biosphere perspective of the IGAC Project: companion to the Dookie report : report of the recommendations from the SCOPE/IGBP Wrokshop on Trace-Gas Exchange in a Global Perspective, Sigtuna, Sweden, 19-23 February 1990 / 1990
The chemistry of acid rain : sources and atmospheric processes : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Divisions of Petroleum Chemistry, Inc., Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, and Fuel Chemistry at the 191st Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, New York, April 13-18, 1986 / 1987
The Stratosphere 1981 : theory and measurements / 1981
Tropospheric ozone and the environment II effects, modeling and control / 1992
Tropospheric ozone regional and global scale interactions / 1988

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