Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Atmospheric Circulation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1969 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Volume I. Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion. 1970
A documentation of the OSU two-level atmospheric general circulation model / 1982
A mesoscale windfield analysis of the Los Angeles basin / 1977
A non-linear spectral model of convection in a fluid unevenly heated from below / 1966
A numerical and experimental study of stably stratified flow around complex terrain / 1976
A numerical experiment on the effects of regional atmospheric pollution on global climate / 1974
A study of air flow patterns in the San Francisco Bay Area. 1970
A study of the efficiency of the use of pesticides in agriculture : final report / 1975
A two-dimensional transport model of the atmosphere / 1974
AERMINUTE user’s guide 2023
AERMINUTE user's guide. 2015
Air pollution First International Conference on Air Pollution / 1993
Air Quality and Deposition (Chapter 3). 1990
Air Quality in the Denver Metropolitan Region 1974-2000. 1977
Air stagnation climatology for the United States (1948-1998) 1999
Airborne Lidar Tracking of Fluorescent Tracers for Atmospheric Transport and Diffusion Studies. 1985
An experiment on the quantitative description of fields of climatological elements by means of orthogonal functions / 1967
Analyzing Natural Systems: Analysis for Regional Residuals-Environmental Quality Management. 1983
Annotated Bibliography on the Planning Aspects of Air Pollution Control. 1965
Annual Course of Precipitation Over Much of the United States - Observed versus GCM Simulation. 1990
Application of a Three-Dimensional Photochemical Smog Formation Model to the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. 1987
Applications of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) at the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory / 1997
Assessment of Crop Loss from Air Pollutants: Meteorology-Atmospheric Chemistry and Long Range Transport. 1987
Atmospheric Acidity Measurements during the Lake Michigan Urban Air Toxics Study. 1992
Atmospheric circulation and the related wind fields over the North Pacific (Tipy atmosfernoi tsirkulyatsii i svyazannykh s nei vetrovykh polei nad severnoi chast'yu Tikhogo okeana) 1971
Atmospheric circulation systems : their structure and physical interpretation / 1969
Atmospheric dispersion parameters in Gaussian plume modeling. 1976
Atmospheric dispersion parameters in plume modeling / 1978
Atmospheric model intercomparison project (AMIP) : intraseasonal oscillations in 15 atmospheric general circulation models (results from an AMIP diagnostic subproject) / 1995
Atmospheric motion and air pollution : an introduction for students of engineering and science / 1979
Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Phase II. Data Analysis and Methods Improvement. 1970
Atmospheric Transport of Toxaphene to Lake Michigan. 1986
Characterizing the Dispersive State of Convective Boundary Layers for Applied Dispersion Modeling. 1990
Chemical and physical characterization of automotive exhaust particulate matter in the atmosphere : (year ending June 30, 1973) / 1973
Climate Change and Its Interactions with Air Chemistry: Perspectives and Research Needs. 1988
Climatic Sensitivity of California Water Resources. 1991
Climatologic and circulation epochs in the northern hemisphere in the first half of the 20th century. 1970
Comparison of design concentrations based on hourly mixing heights estimated by Ramment and Metpro / 1993
Comparison of design concentrations based on hourly mixing heights estimated by RAMMET and METPRO. 1993
Comparison of design concentrations based on hourly mixing heightsd estimated by rammet and metpro. 1993
Comparison of Modelled and Measured Tracer Gas Concentrations during the Across North America Tracer Experiment (ANATEX). 1989
Comparison of Modified Carson and EPA Mixing Height Estimates Using Data from Five Field Experiments. 1990
Complex Terrain Dispersion Model (CTDM) Terrain Preprocessor System. User Guide and Program Description. 1988
Complex Terrain Dispersion Model - Computer and Source Code (for Microcomputers). 1988
Complex Terrain Dispersion Model - Computer Code (for Microcomputers). 1988
Complex Terrain Dispersion Model. 1986
Comprehensive analysis of time-concentration relationships and validation of a single-source dispersion model / 1975
Contamination of U.S. Arctic Ecosystems by Long-Range Transport of Atmospheric Contaminants. 1990
Continued research in mesoscale air pollution simulation modeling. Volume III, Modeling of microscale phenomena / 1976
Design of the Clean Air Act Deposition Monitoring Network. 1992
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