Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
11th Symposium on Global Change Studies : 9-14 January 2000, Long Beach, California ; Symposium on Lidar Atmospheric Monitoring : 9-14 January 2000, Long Beach, California / 2000
A gas-exchange system for assessing plant performance in response to environmental stress / 1979
Acid rain. 1980
Agrochemical Hazards in Aquatic Systems and Evaluation of Such Hazards with Emphasis on Developing Countries. 1983
Air pollution assessment of vinylidene chloride / 1978
Airborne particles / 1977
Allergic response to platinum and palladium complexes : determination of no-effect level / 1977
Ambient temperature and vehicle emissions / 1974
Analytical Data on Particulate Atmospheric Pollutants. 1970
Assessment of Environmental Exposure to Pesticides. 1964
Assessment of human exposures to atmospheric benzene / 1978
Background concentration of sulfate in precipitation along with west coast of North America / 1989
Base-Line Growth Studies of 'First Lady' Marigold in Controlled Environments. 1980
Benthic analysis : training manual / 1979
Bioassays for toxic and hazardous materials : training manual : principles and procedures of aquatic toxicology. 1981
Biodegradation in the Estuarine-Marine Environments and the Genetically Altered Microbe. 1984
Biological effects of manganese / 1978
Biological significance of some metals as air pollutants : part I: lead / 1977
Biological significance of some metals as air pollutants : part II: mercury / 1978
Cadmium emissions from primary lead and primary copper smelting : phase 1 : technical report / 1988
Carbon Storage and Change in Iowa Forest Ecosystem. 2000
Chemical Safety - Pesticides. 1974
Chemistry of atmospheres : an introduction to the chemistry of the atmospheres of earth, the planets, and their satellites / 2000
Chemistry of atmospheres : an introduction to the chemistry of the atmospheres of Earth, the planets, and their satellites / 1985
Chemistry of atmospheres : an introduction to the chemistry of the atmospheres of earth, the planets, and their satellites / 1991
Comparison of Indices That Describe the Relationship between Exposure to Ozone and Reduction in the Yield of Agricultural Crops. 1988
Compensation photometer for accurate measurements and registration of transparency of atmosphere / 1963
Comprehensive Study of Maritime Aerosols. 1971
Concepts for development of field usable test atmosphere generating devices. 1973
Controlled test atmospheres; principles and techniques 1971
Criteria document for PCBs / 1976
Derivation of Damage Functions for Atmospheric Degradation of Materials. 1986
Determination of Trace Level Hydrocarbons in Marine Biota. 1978
Dimethoate: Position Document 4. 1980
Effect of Phenotypic Plasticity on Epiphytic Survival and Colonization by 'Pseudomonas syringae'. 1993
Effects of sulfuric acid aerosols on vegetation / 1979
Effects of Various Gas Atmospheres on the Oxidation of Coal Mine Pyrites. 1971
Environmental Assessment of a Phthalate Ester, DI-(2-Ethyl Hexyl) Phthalate (DEHP) Derived from a Marine Microcosm. 1985
Environmental hazard assessment of one and two carbon fluorocarbons / 1974
Environmental Protection Agency indoor air quality and work environmental study: health symptoms and comfort concerns. {microfiche} 1990
Environmental trace materials : computer coupled radioactivation analysis / 1975
Environments in Acid Aerosol Producing Workplaces and Maximum Flow Rate of Workers (San Erozoru Hassei Shokuba no Kankyo to Sagyosha no Saidai Kokyu Ryuryo). 1962
Epidemiology of chronic respiratory disease : a literature review : prepared for Office of Research and Development, Environmental protection Agency / 1974
Evaluation of Techniques for the Measurement of Low Concentrations of Trace Gases in the Atmosphere. 1970
Evaluation of the Effect of Asbestos in Industrial Conditions (Otsenka Vozdeistviya Asbesta v Usloviyakh Proizvodstvennoi Sredy). 1973
Experimental and in vivo Studies of the Toxicity of a Group of Phthalate Plasticizers. 1972
Experimental Data for Establishing Maxium Permissible Concentrations of Tillam in the Air of Working Areas (Eksperimentalnye Dannye k Obosnovaniyu Predelno Dopustimoi Kontsentratsii Tillama v Vozdukhe Rabockei Zony). 1972
Experimental Data Serving as a Basis for Separate Permissible Concentrations of Dibutylphthalate. 1973
Experimental Marine Microcosm Test Protocol and Support Document. Measurement of the Ecological Effects, Fate and Transport of Chemicals in a Site-Specific Marine Ecosystem. 1983
Exposure of Fertilizer Mixing Plant Workers to Disulfoton. 1978
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