Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Atlantic Ocean Gulf of Maine)

Select Item Title Year Published
Case concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area (Canada/United States of America) : annex to the counter-memorial submitted by the United States of America. 1983
Case concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area (Canada/United States of America) : documentary annexes to the reply submitted by the United States of America, 12 December 1983. 1983
Case concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area (Canada/United States of America). Counter-memorial / 1983
Case concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area (Canada/United States of America). Documentary annexes [to the memorial] / 1982
Case concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area (Canada/United States of America). Memorial / 1982
Case concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area (Canada/United States of America). Reply / 1983
Delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area (Canada/United States of America) : annexes to the counter-memorial submitted by Canada, 28 June 1983 = Delimitation de la frontiere maritime dans la region du golfe du Maine (Canada/Etats-Unis d'Amerique) : annexes au contre-memoire du Canada, 28 juin 1983. 1983
Delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area (Canada/United States of America) : annexes to the reply submitted by Canada, 12 December 1983 = Delimitation de la frontiere maritime dans la region du Golfe du Maine (Canada/Etats-Unis d'Amerique) : annexes aa la replique du Canada, 12 dcembre 1983. 1983
Delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area (Canada/United States of America) : reply submitted by Canada, 12 December 1983 / 1983
Delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area (Canada/United States of America). Counter-memorial / 1983
Delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area (Canada/United States of America). Memorial submitted by Canada. 1982
Delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area : (Canada/United States of America) : Annexes to the memorial submitted by Canada = Delimitation de la frontiere maritime dans la region du Golfe du Maine (Canada/Etats-unis d'Amerique) : annexes au memoire du Canada. 1982
Effects of temperature on the biology of the northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis, in the Gulf of Maine / 1986
Gulf of Maine habitat : workshop proceedings 12-13 April 1994, Maine Department of Marine Resources, West Boothbay Harbor, Maine / 1994
Gulf of Maine Point Source Inventory : a summary by watershed for 1991 / 1994
Gulf of Maine research plan / 1992
Improving interactions between coastal science and policy : proceedings of the Gulf of Maine Symposium, Kennebunkport, Maine, November 1-3, 1994. 1995
Proceedings of the Gulf of Maine Scientific Workshop, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 8-10 January, 1991 / 1992
Regional standards to identify and evaluate tidal wetland restoration in the Gulf of Maine : a GPAC workshop, June 2-3, 1999 / 2000
The environmental impacts of finfish culture : summary, Gulf of Maine Working Group Aquaculture Workshop, March 1-2, 1990. 1990
The First five years of Gulfwatch, 1991-1995 : a review of the program and results / 1998
The health of the Gulf of Maine ecosystem : cumulative impacts of multiple stressors : workshop report, 18-20 September 1995 Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire / 1996
Variability of temperature and salinity in the middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine / 1993

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