Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 45
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Atlanta Georgia)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air pollution report, federal facilities : metropolitan Atlanta intrastate air quality control region / 1971
Air Quality Monitoring in Atlanta with the Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometer. 1991
An evaluation of strategies for airport air pollution control / 1975
Area Source Emission Inventory for Fulton, DeKalb, Cobb, Clayton, and Gwinnett Counties, Georgia. Volume I. 1975
Area Source Emission Inventory for Fulton, DeKalb, Cobb, Clayton, and Gwinnett Counties, Georgia. Volume II. Appendices. 1975
Asbestos in the water supplies of the ten regional cities : Final report, part 1. 1976
Atlanta Air Pollutant Emission Inventory. 1969
Atlanta commute vehicle soak and start distributions and engine starts per day impact on mobile source emission rates / [electronic resource] : 2007
Atlanta Household Refuse Compactor Demonstration Project. 1974
Atlanta ozone precursor monitoring study : data report / 1992
Carbon monoxide measurements in the vicinity of sports stadiums / 1973
Community Well-Being as a Factor in Urban Land Use Planning. 1974
Comparison of Atlanta Emission Inventory with Ambient Data Using Chemical Mass Balance Receptor Modeling. 1994
Comparison of Hydrocarbon Concentrations for 1981 and 1990 in Atlanta. 1995
Comparison of Nonmethane Organic Compound Concentration Data Collected by Two Methods in Atlanta. 1993
Driving pattern variability and impacts on vehicle carbon monoxide emissions / 1995
Effects of Anthropogenic Hydrocarbon Emission Reductions in Urban Areas with High Biogenic Hydrocarbon Emission Rates: Tampa and St. Petersburg Case Study. LAA Report No. P137-1. 1990
Effects of Land Use Change on the Hydrology of an Urban Watershed. 1971
Environmental noise assessment, Hartsfield International Airport, Atlanta, Georgia / 1978
Evaluation of the U.S. Geological Survey Laboratory, Atlanta, Georgia / 1978
Growth and Decay of Turbulent Mixing in the Planetary Boundary Layer. 1972
Impact of urban storm runoff on stream quality near Atlanta, Georgia / 1980
Mountain communities wastewater management alternatives report financial alternatives. 1984
Mountain communities wastewater management alternatives report summary document. 1984
Mountain communities wastewater management alternatives report technical engineering alternatives. 1984
Mountain communities wastewater management alternatives report. volume III, institutional management alternatives. 1984
Ozone Production and Transport in the Atlanta, Georgia Region. 1985
Peachtree Creek Watershed as a Case History in Urban Flood Plain Development. 1971
Radiofrequency radiation levels and population exposure in urban areas of the Eastern United States / 1978
Receptor Modeling of Volatile Hydrocarbons Measured in the 1990 Atlanta Ozone Precursor Study. 1993
Refined Estimates of Biogenic Hydrocarbon Emissions for Atlanta. 1993
Report for Consultation on the Metropolitan Atlanta Interstate Air Quality Control Region (Georgia). 1970
Satellite vehicle systems for solid waste collection ; evaluation and application / 1971
Source Reconciliation of Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds Measured in the Atlanta 1990 Summer Study: The Mobile Source Component. 1991
Sources of toxic pollutants found in influents to sewage treatment plants : IV, R.M. Clayton Drainage Basin, Atlanta, Georgia / 1979
Sources of toxic pollutants found in influents to sewage treatment plants : VI. integrated interpretation / 1979
Storm and Combined Sewer Pollution Sources and Abatement, Atlanta, Georgia. 1971
Summer 1990 Atlanta Ozone Precursor Study. 1991
Survey of Data from the Continuous Sites of the 1990 Atlanta Ozone Precursor Study. 1992
Survey of Potential Markets for Energy Recovery from Solid Waste in the Metropolitan Area of Atlanta, Georgia. 1981
Urban airshed model : study of five cities. 1990
Urban airshed model study of five cities : low-cost application of the model to future-year SIP control and alternative fuel strategies for Dallas-Fort Worth, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and St. Louis / 1990
Urban airshed model study of five cities : summary report / 1990
Urban airshed model study of five cities Volume 7 Low cost application of the model to future-year SIP control and alternative fuel strategies for Dallas-Fort Worth, Atlanta, Phileadelphia, and St. Louis {microfiche} / by Ralph E. Morris and Thomas C. Meyers, et al... 1990
User's Guide for the Urban Airshed Model. Volume 2. User's Manual for the UAM (CB-IV) Modeling System. 1990

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