Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A fluorescence immunoassay technique for detecting organic environimental contaminants / 1975
A tissue enzyme assay for chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides / 1974
Analysis of Trifluorothymidine-Resistant (TFT(sup r)) Mutants of L5178Y/TK(sup +/-) Mouse Lymphoma Cells. 1985
Assay for Detection and Enumeration of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms Which Is Based on the Activity of a Deregulated 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetate Monooxygenase. 1991
Assays of toxic pollutants by fish blood / 1976
Assessment of assay methods for evaluating asbestos abatement technology 1986
Assessment of the hazards of polybrominated biphenyls / 1978
Assessment of the Microscreen Phage-Induction Assay for Screening Hazardous Wastes. 1987
Background Radioactivity of Water and Biota of the Savannah River (1951-1952). 1952
Benzo(a)pyrene Metabolism in the America Oyster 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1977
Comparison of Ames 'Salmonella Typhimurium' Plate Incorporation Test Protocols. 1982
Confirmed Viruses Versus Unconfirmed Plaques in Sewage. 1983
Construction and Operation of a 10 CFM (Cubic Feet Per Minute) Sampling System with a 10:1 Dilution Ratio for Measuring Condensable Emissions. 1988
Correlation of Carcinogenic Potency with Mouse-Skin (32)P-Postlabeling and Muta-(R)Mouse lac Z(-)Mutation Data for DMBA and Its K-Region Sulphur Isostere: Comparison with Activities Observed in Standard Genotoxicity Assays. 1993
Critical Study of the Manometric Assay of Cholinesterase in Rat Blood. 1961
Cytogenetic Analysis of the L5178Y/TK+/- Yields TK-/- Mouse Lymphoma Mutagenesis Assay System. 1981
Dehydrogenation: A Previously Unreported Pathway of Lindane Metabolism in Mammals. 1975
Dermal Carcinogenesis Assay in C3H/HEJ Mice with Cover Letter dated 07/18/86. 1986
Detecting Viruses in Water. 1989
Detection of Direct-Acting Mutagens in Ambient Air: A Comparison of Two Highly Sensitive Mutagenicity Assays. 1992
Determination of Tract Quantities of Anticholinesterase Pesticides. 1973
Development and evaluation of a quantitative enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for polychlorinated biphenyls / 1994
Direct Method to Assay Neurotoxic Esterase Activity. 1980
Draft survey and evaluation of in vitro toxicity test methods / 1976
Enzyme-Linked Immunoassays for the Detection of Microbial Antigens and Their Antibodies. 1986
EPA traceability protocol for assay and certification of gaseous calibration standards 1997
EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards. 2012
Evaluation of Equilibrium Partitioning Theory for Predicting Acute Toxicity of Field-Collected Sediments Contaminated with DDT, DDE and DDD to the Amphipod 'Hyalella Azteca'. 1994
Evaluation of Potential Confounding Factors in Sediment Toxicity Tests with Three Freshwater Benthic Invertebrates. 1994
Evaluation of the Mutagenic Potential of High Drop Point Lithium Hydroxystearate Grease (XRR 185A) in the Mouse Lymphoma (L5178Y/TK(sup +/-)) Assay with Cover Letter. 1983
Executive Summary on the ETAD Project T 2015 Toxicological Testing of Major Colorants, with Attachments and Cover Letter Dated 06/03/88. 1988
Feasibility of using bacterial strains (mutagenesis) to test for environmental carcinogens / 1978
Field confirmation testing for suspicious substances / 2009
Fluorometric Determination of the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Concentration in Municipal Drinking Water. 1985
Human Embryonic Palatal Mesenchyme Cell Growth Inhibitaion Assay (Draft) with Cover Letter dated 10/01/87. 1987
Identification, isolation and characterization of the infectious hepatitis (hepatitis A) agent / 1977
Impairment of Growth and Immune Function of Avocet Chicks from Sites with Elevated Selenium, Arsenic, and Boron. 1994
Integrated Mutagenicity Testing Program Report with Cover Letter dated 02/21/78. 1977
Interferences, Limitations and an Improvement in the Extraction and Assessment of Cellulase Activity in Soil. 1994
Letter from Smelter Environmental Research Association to USEPA Submitting Two Research Reports on Arsenic Compounds, Cadmium Compounds and Calcium Sulfate with Attachments. 1978
Mouse Ovarian Tumor Cell Attachment Assay with 81-15 (Draft) with Cover Letter dated 10/01/87. 1987
Mutagenic Assay of T-1716AC Aerosol with and without Metabolic Activation with Cover Letter. 1982
Mutagenic Screening of Three Dyes for Marker Grenades in the Salmonella Reversion Assay and the L5178Y/TK+/-Mouse Lymphoma Assay. 1989
Mutagenic Specificity and the Prediction of Mechanisms and Bioactivation Pathways of Genotoxicants: The Mutagenicity of 5-Nitroacenaphthene as an Example. 1983
Mutagenicity and Chemical Analysis of Emissions for the Open Burning of Scrap Rubber Tires. 1994
Mutagenicity Evaluation of C-155 (A,B,C) in the Ames SalmonellaMicrosome Plate Test. Final Report with Cover Letter. 1982
Mutagenicity Evaluation of Chlorendic Anhydride in the Unscheduled DNA Synthesis in Human WI-38 Cells Assay (Final Report) with Attachments and Cover Letter Dated 06/15/78. 1978
Mutagenicity Evaluation of Xylene with Cover Letter. 1982
Mutagenicity Plate Assay: Acetonitrile with Cover Letter. 1983
Organic Carbon Partitioning as a Basis for Predicting the Toxicity of Chlorpyrifos in Sediments. 1994
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