Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Influence of fly ash compositional factors on electrical volume resistivity / 1974
Inhalable Particles and Pulmonary Host Defense: 'In vivo' and 'In vitro' Effects of Ambient Air and Combustion Particles. 1985
Initial Test Results of the Limestone Injection Multistage Burner (LIMB) Demonstration Project. 1988
Inorganic and organic constituents in fossil fuel combustion residues interim report / 1987
Inorganic compound identification of fly ash emissions from municipal incinerators / 1983
Inorganic Compound Identificatioon of Fly Ash Emissions from Municipal Incinerators. 1982
Institutional constraints to coal fly ash use in construction 1992
Interim Guide of Good Practice for Incineration at Federal Facilities. 1969
Interim procedures for estimating risks associated with exposures to mixtures of chlorinated dibenzo-[rho]-dioxins and -dibenzofurans (CDDs and CDFs) and 1989 update / 1989
Interlaboratory Validation of the Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) Method 1313 and Method 1316. 2012
International Ash Working Group: A State-of-Knowledge Treatise on MSW Incinerator Residues. 1994
International toxicity equivalency factor (I-TEF) method of risk assessment for complex mixtures of dioxins and related compounds / 1988
Investigation of Corrosion-Deposition Phenomena on Gas Turbine Blades. 1973
Investigation of effects of prolonged inhalation of nickle-enriched fly ash in Syrian golden hamsters / 1981
Investigation of effects of prolonged inhalation of nickle-enriched fly ash in Syrian golden hamsters / 1981
Investigation of H2, O2 and H2O with Ni, depth profile of implanted H+ in ZnO and quantitative analysis of fly ash by means of SIMS / 1988
Investigation of new techniques for control of smelter arsenic bearing wastes / 1981
Investigation of Scattered Light Holography of Aerosols and Data Reduction Techniques. 1970
Investigation of the Combustion of Fuel Oil with a Vanadium-Containing Ash (Issledovanie Szhiganiya Mazuta s Vanadiisoderzhashchei Zoloi). 1971
Investigation of the Composition of the Ash of Hydrocarbon Fuels (Issledovanie Sostava zoly Uglevodorodnykh Topliv). 1976
Ion Chromatographic Determination of Soluble Anions Present in Coal Fly Ash Leachates (Journal Version). 1980
Isomer Dependent Bioavailability of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans from Municipal Incinerator Fly Ash to Carp. 1987
Keeping the Fly Ash out of the Stack. 1978
Kraft Effluent Color Characterization Before and After Stoichiometric Lime Treatment. 1973
Laboratory Assessment of the Permeability and Diffusion Characteristics of Florida Concretes. Phase 2. Field Samples and Analyses. 1995
Laboratory Procedure for Determining Percent Ash and Percent Weight Loss of Solid Wastes on Heating at 600 C. 1971
Laboratory Procedure for the Potential Heat Determination in Solid Wastes. 1971
Landfill characteristics of circulating-fluidized-bed combustion ash 1993
Leachate chemistry at the Montour fly ash test cell 1988
Leaching Behavior of 'AGREMAX' Collected from a Coal-Fired Power Plant in Puerto Rico. 2012
Leaching behavior of coal combustion products and the environmental implication in road construction / 2011
Level 1 environmental assessment performance evaluation / 1979
Limb Process Development Studies. 1990
Liming acidic waters : environmental and policy concerns ; the proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Acid Rain Information Clearinghouse, a project of the Center for Environmental Information, Inc., October 1985, Albany, New York ; in cooperation with American Fishing Tackle Manufacturers Association ... {et al.}. 1985
Liners for Waste Impoundments and Disposal Facilities. 1981
Lower Ash Pond Dam, A.B. Brown Station Assessment Report. Draft Report. 2009
Magnesia base wet scrubbing of pulverized coal generated flue gas : pi8lot demonstration / 1970
Magnesium carbonate--a recycled coagulant for water treatment / 1975
Managing coal combustion residues in mines 2006
Managing coal combustion residues in mines / 2006
Manual of Electrostatic Precipitator Technology. Part I - Fundamentals. 1970
Manual of Electrostatic Precipitator Technology. Part II - Application Areas. 1970
Mass Spectral Characteristics of Bromochlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans. 1990
Measurement and prediction of the resistivity of ash/sorbent mixtures produced by sulfur oxide control processes / 1992
Measurement and prediction of the resistivity of ash/sorbent mixtures produced by sulfur oxide control processes / 1991
Measurement and prediction of the resistivity of ash/sorbent mixtures produced by sulfur oxide control processes : project summary / 1992
Measurement of fly ash resistivity using simulated flue gas environments / 1978
Mechanism for Ash Assisted Sludge Dewatering. 1976
Medium-Sulfur Coal and Fly Ash Resistivity. 1988
Mercury control research : effects of fly ash and flue gas parameters on mercury speciation / 1998
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