Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Asbestos United States Safety measures)

Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to normal demolition practices under the asbestos NESHAP / 1992
Airborne asbestos levels in schools / 1983
Asbestos in buildings : guidance for service and maintenance personnel. 1985
Asbestos NESHAP inspection and safety procedures : reference materials - Volume 1, collection of published guides and other informational documents. 1997
Asbestos NESHAP inspection and safety procedures workshop : student manual. 1997
Documenting an asbestos CERCLA violation : an inspector's guide / 1990
Guidance on the applicability of the asbestos NESHAP to asbestos roofing removal operations. 1994
Guidelines for asbestos NESHAP demolition and renovation inspection procedures. 1990
Guidelines for catastrophic emergency situations involving asbestos. 1992
Managing asbestos in buildings : a guide for owners and managers : a revision to the United States Environmental Protection Agency's 1985 document Guidance for Controlling Asbestos-Containing Materials in Buildings (EPA 560/5-85-024) known as the Purple book / 2015
Managing asbestos in place : a building owner's guide to operations and maintenance programs for asbestos-containing materials. 1990
Managing asbestos in place : a building owner's guide to operations and maintenance programs for asbestos-containing materials. 1990
Region 5 asbestos demolition/renovation state integration meeting : November 4-6, 1992 : Ralph Metcalfe Building, Lake Superior Conference Room, 77 W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois. 1992
The ABCs of asbestos in school : today's lesson: asbestos. 2003
The ABCs of asbestos in schools. 1989
Training Program for Standard Operating Practices and Methods for the In-Place Management of Asbestos-Containing Building Materials / 1994

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