Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Asbestos Toxicology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Air that kills : how the asbestos poisoning of Libby, Montana uncovered a national scandal / 2005
Airborne asbestos levels in schools / 1983
Airborne asbestos levels in schools / 1984
Airborne asbestos levels in schools : design study / 1981
Ambient water quality criteria for asbestos / 1980
An air that kills : how the asbestos poisoning of Libby, Montana uncovered a national scandal / 2004
An air that still kills : how a Montana town's asbestos tragedy is spreading nationwide / 2016
Analysis of comments on the health effects of asbestos : draft report for Task 2-25/ 1987
Asbestiform fibers : nonoccupational health risks / 1984
Asbestos 1982
Asbestos - a bibliography / 1978
Asbestos : a lingering danger / 1980
Asbestos : a review of selected literature through 1973 relating to environmental exposure and health effects / 1976
Asbestos : fact sheet on a drinking water chemical contaminant. 1992
Asbestos : medical and legal aspects / 1984
Asbestos : medical and legal aspects / 1996
Asbestos : risk assessment, epidemiology, and health effects / 2005
Asbestos : risk assessment, epidemiology, and health effects / 2006
Asbestos : risk assessment, epidemiology, and health effects / 2011
Asbestos an information resource / 1978
Asbestos and disease / 1978
Asbestos and gastro-intestinal cancer : cell culture studies / 1979
Asbestos and health : an annotated bibliography of public and professional education materials / 1978
Asbestos and other natural mineral fibres 1986
Asbestos and silicate pollution (excluding workplace pollution) (Sep 70 - present) citations from the NTIS Bibliographic Database. 1992
Asbestos bibliography (revised). 1997
Asbestos hazard 1980
Asbestos health assessment update / 1984
Asbestos in buildings, facilities & industry : legal, regulatory, insurance, & economic strategies 1987
Asbestos in buildings. 1985
Asbestos in hand-held hair dryers : hearing before the Subcommittee for Consumers of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, Ninety-sixth Congress, first session ... April 2, 1979. 1979
Asbestos in schools / 1981
Asbestos in schools : a dilemma : report / 1982
Asbestos medical and legal aspects / 1990
Asbestos medical and legal aspects / 1986
Asbestos publications. 1992
Asbestos related disease 1978
Asbestos removal & control : an insider's guide to the business / 1984
Asbestos review and update : supplement to Sourcebook on asbestos diseases, medical, legal, and engineering aspects / 1987
Asbestos risk assessment, epidemiology, and health effects / [electronic resource] : 2011
Asbestos the future risk / 2013
Asbestos toxicity 1988
Asbestos toxicity 1990
Asbestos waste management guidance : generation, transport, disposal. 1985
Asbestos waste management guidance : generation, transport, disposal. 1985
Asbestos-containing materials in school buildings : a guidance document / 1985
Asbestos-containing materials in school buildings : a guidance document. 1984
Asbestos-containing materials in school buildings : a guidance document. 1979
Asbestos-containing materials in school buildings : guidance for asbestos analytical programs / 1980
Asbestos-containing materials in school buildings : guidance for asbestos analytical programs / 1980
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