Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Asbestos fibers Environmental aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
Asbestiform fibers : nonoccupational health risks / 1984
Asbestos and silicate pollution (excluding workplace pollution) (Sep 70 - present) citations from the NTIS Bibliographic Database. 1992
Asbestos fiber determination in water samples : preparation techniques, improved analytical method, and rapid screening / 1983
Asbestos fibers in discharges from selected mining and milling activities : final report, part III / 1977
Asbestos in the Great Lakes Basin : with emphasis on Lake Superior / 1975
Data analysis of drinking water asbestos fiber size / 1979
Effects of selected asbestos fibers on cellular and molecular parameters / 1979
Guidance for assessing and managing exposure to asbestos in buildings 1986
Guide to monitoring airborne asbestos in buildings 1989
Information on the Asbestos in Schools Hazard Abatement Act (ASHAA). 1985
Nonoccupational Asbestos Exposure / 1987
The ABCs of asbestos in school : today's lesson: asbestos. 2003
The ABCs of asbestos in schools. 1989

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