Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Asbestos dust Measurement)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advances in environmental measurement methods for asbestos / 1999
Asbestos, measurement and monitoring of asbestos in air : second report 1978
Assessment of particle control technology for enclosed asbestos sources / 1974
Comparison of airborne asbestos levels determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using direct and indirect transfer techniques : final report / 1990
Comparison of airborne asbestos levels determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using direct and indirect transfer techniques : final report / 1992
Environmental asbestos assessment manual : Superfund method for the determination of asbestos in ambient air. 1990
Environmental release of asbestos from commercial product shaping / 1985
Environmental release of asbestos from commercial product shaping : final report / 1985
Experimental determination of the number and size of asbestos fibers in ambient air : final report, interagency agreement (ARB 3-688) / 1976
Feasibility of developing source sampling methods for asbestos emissions / 1982
Fourth International Colloquium on Dust Measuring Technique and Strategy : Edinburgh (United Kingdom) September 20-23, 1982. 1982
Methodology for the measurement of airborne asbestos by electron microscopy / 1984
Proceedings of the Fifth Colloquium on Dust Measuring Technique and Strategy : Johannesburg (R.S.A.), October 29-31, 1984 : the colloquium was held / 1985
Second International Colloquium on Dust Measuring Technique and Strategy : Washington, D.C., Oct. 11-13, 1978. 1978
Settled asbestos dust sampling and analysis / 1994
Superfund method for the determination of releasable asbestos in soils and bulk materials. 1997

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