Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 45
Showing: Items 1 - 45
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Artificial satellites)

Select Item Title Year Published
A detailed analysis of urban ground temperature and albedos using high resolution satellite measurements / 1978
A detailed analysis of urban ground temperature and albedos using high resolution satellite measurements / 1978
Achieving and sustaining earth observations : a preliminary plan based on a strategic assessment by the U.S. Group on Earth Observations. 2010
An evaluation of selected satellite communication systems as sources of environmental microwave radiation / 1974
Analysis of photochemical oxidant and particulate pollution patterns in New England using remote sensing data. 1977
Aversion/Attraction of Blue Jays to Microwave Irradiation. 1984
Calibration technology for meteorological satellites 1977
Categorization of northern Green Bay ice cover using LANDSAT 1 digital data : a case study / 1981
Characteristics and availability of data from earth-imaging satellites 1985
Climate data records from environmental satellites 2004
Combining satellite data with ancillary data to produce a refined land-use/land-cover map / 1998
Contribution of space observations to water resources management proceedings of a Symposium on the Contribution of Space Observations to Water Resources Studies and the Management of these Resources of the Twenty-second plenary meeting of COSPAR, Bangalore, India, 29 May to 9 June 1979 / 1980
Development of a systemic land cover/land use database for the Upper Mississippi River system derived from Landsat thematic mapper satellite date / 1994
Dysfunction in management of weather and climate satellites : joint hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight & Subcommittee on Environment, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, September 19, 2013. 2013
Earth observation using Python a practical programming guide 2021
Earth observing system broader involvement of the EOSDIS user community is needed : report to the Chairman, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, House of Representatives / 1992
Earth science and applications from space : a midterm assessment of NASA's implementation of the decadal survey / 2012
Earth science and applications from space : national imperatives for the next decade and beyond / 2007
GPS satellite surveying 1990
GPS satellite surveying / 1995
Guide for using satellite communications networks in the government 1989
High power radiofrequency and microwave radiation sources : a study of relative environmental significance / 1976
Integrating multiscale observations of U.S. waters / 2008
Investigation of visible region instrumentation for oceanographic satellites. volume i. 1967
NASA Oceanic Processes Program : biennial report, fiscal years 1986 and 1987 1988
Oceanography from space a research strategy for the decade 1985-1995 / 1984
Remote sensing and climate modeling : synergies and limitations / 2001
Remote sensing handbook / 2016
Remote sensing of water resources, disasters, and urban studies / 2016
Satellite orbits : models, methods, and applications / 2000
Satellite rainfall applications for surface hydrology / 2010
Strategic plan for the U.S. integrated earth observation system / 2005
Studies on Techniques for Satellite Surveillance of Global Atmospheric Pollution. 1970
The basics of satellite communications / 2003
The EROS Data Center. 1975
The full picture / 2007
Tour of the electromagnetic spectrum / 2016
Tour of the electromagnetic spectrum / 2010
Tracking wildlife by satellite : current systems and performance / 1990
Transforming remote sensing data into information and applications 2001
Trophic classification of lakes using LANDSAT-1 (ERTS-1) multispectral scanner data / 1976
Video teleconferencing services : quick reference guide. 1992
Watershed characterization using landsat thematic mapper (TM) satellite imagery : Blackfoot River, Montana / 1991
Watershed characterization using landsat thematic mapper (TM) satellite imagery : Blackfoot River, Montana : project summary / 1992
Watershed characterization using Landsat thematic mapper imagery : Blackfoot River, Montana / 1991

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