Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Artificial recharge of groundwater)

Select Item Title Year Published
Blaine gypsum groundwater recharge demonstration project data report / 1997
Characterizing groundwater recharge : a comprehensive isotopic approach / 2003
Conservation of floodwater at White Sands Missile Range, Dona Ana County, New Mexico 1960
Delineation of recharge areas for selected wells in the St. Peter-Prairie du Chien-Jordan aquifer, Rochester, Minnesota / 1993
Demonstration and evaluation of artificial recharge to the Blaine Aquifer in southwestern Oklahoma 1997
Density induced mixing in confined aquifers / 1972
Estimating areas contributing recharge to wells : lessons from previous studies / 1998
Ground water recharge using waters of impaired quality / 1994
Ground-water storage and artificial recharge 1975
High Plains States Groundwater Demonstration Program : program summary report. 2000
Hueco Bolson recharge demonstration study : final report / 1996
Methodology, results, and significance of an unsaturated-zone tracer test at an artificial-recharge facility, Tucson, Arizona 1989
Optimal operation of soil aquifer treatment systems under uncertainty / 1995
Potential pollution of the Ogallala by recharging Playa Lake water : pesticides / 1970
Proceedings of the Eleventh National Outdoor Action Conference and Exposition : Aquifer Remediation, Ground Water Monitoring, Geophysical Methods : April 1-3, 1997, Las Vegas Hilton Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada / 1997
Proceedings of the Second National Symposium on Aquifer Restoration and Ground Water Monitoring, May 26-28, 1982, The Fawcett Center, Columbus, Ohio. 1982
Proceedings of the Seventh National Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring, and Geophysical Methods : May 25-27, 1993, Las Vegas, Nevada Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. 1993
Proceedings of the Sixth National Symposium and Exposition on Aquifer Restoration and Ground Water Monitoring, May 19-22, 1986, The Ohio State University Fawcett Center for Tomorrow, Columbus, Ohio 1986
Proceedings of the Tenth National Outdoor Action Conference and Exposition : Aquifer Remediation, Ground Water Monitoring, Geophysical Methods : May 13-15, 1996, Sahara Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / 1996
Recharge from precipitation in three small glacial-till-mantled catchments in the Puget Sound Lowland, Washington / 1997
Recharging ground-water reservoirs 1961
Renovating secondary sewage by ground water recharge with infiltration basins / 1972
Reutilization of wastewater recycled through ground water / 1968
Single-well injection and recovery of freshwater from an aquifer containing saline water at Arecibo, Puerto Rico 1989
Soil aquifer treatment for sustainable water reuse / 2001
Southeast Salt Lake County artificial groundwater recharge demonstration project : final report / 1996
Standard guidelines for artificial recharge of ground water 2001
Survey of literature on groundwater recharge and sulfide generation, 1967
Using reclaimed water to augment potable water resources / 1998
Wood River Nebraska groundwater recharge demonstration project / 1997
Woodward recharge demonstration project phase I feasibility study : high plains states groundwater demonstration program / 1993
Workshop notebook for the Eleventh National Outdoor Action Conference and Exposition : Aquifer Remediation, Ground Water Monitoring, Geophysical Methods : April 1-3, 1997, the Sahara Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / 1997

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