Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Arthropoda)

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Select Item Title Year Published
An investigation of physical, chemical, and/or biological control of mosquitoes in dredged material disposal areas / 1978
Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume IV. Livestock, Poultry, Fur and Wool Bearing Animals. 1977
Arthropod species in culture in the United States and other countries / 1979
Assessing Pesticide Risk to Arthropod Natural Enemies Using Expert System Technology. 1989
Bibliography on pathogens of medically important Arthropods, 1980 1980
Bioassays with arthropods / 2017
Bioassays with arthropods / 2007
Characterization of shrimp baculovirus / 1977
Chemical defenses of arthropods 1981
Consumption and metabolic rates of some leaf-eating, chewing arthropods : a summarized literature review / 1971
Development of Resistance to DDT in Musca Domestica L. Under the Effect of Sublethal Doses of Sodium Arsenate (Vozniknovenie Rezistentnosti k DDT u Musca domestica L. pod Vliyanie m Subletalnykh doz Arsenata Natriya). 1971
Ecological Effects of Pesticides on Non-Target Species. 1971
Ecologically Based Pest Management: New Solutions for a New Century. 1996
Effects of a Lignosulfonate-Type Drilling Mud on Development of Experimental Estuarine Macrobenthic Communities. 1978
Effects of DOWICIDE (Trade Name) G-ST on Development of Experimental Estuarine Macrobenthic Communities. 1978
Effects of Ground ULV (Ultra-Low Volume) Applications of Fenthion on Estuarine Biota. 5. Responses of Field and Laboratory Estuarine Benthic Communities. 1985
Effects of Microbial Pesticides on Non-Target Beneficial Arthropods. 1986
Effects of mirex, methoxychlor, and malathion on development of crabs / 1976
Effects of Pentachlorophenol on Development of Estuarine Communities. 1977
Embryology and phylogeny in annelids and arthropods 1973
Environmental stress and cellular response in arthropods / 2004
ESCORT 3 : linking non-target arthropod testing and risk assessment with protection goals : Hotel Zuiderduin, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands : 8-11 March 2010 / 2012
Evaluation of a 'Daphnia magna' Renewal Life-Cycle Test Method with silver and endosulfan. 1981
Faunistic Studies of Arthropods at the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho. 1970
Feeding activities of soil macroarthropods at the Pawnee site, 1971 / 1973
Identified neurons and behavior of arthropods 1977
Insect poisons, allergens, and other invertebrate venoms 1984
Insects and other major arthropods of a tallgrass prairie / 1972
Interim Protocol for Testing the Effects of Microbial Pathogens on Litter Microarthropods. 1989
Introduced parasites and predators of arthropod pests and weeds : a world review / 1978
Introduction to Arthropods of Public Health Importance. Training Guide. 1960
NERISK: An Expert System to Enhance the Integration of Pesticides with Anthropod Biological Control. 1989
Patch Size of Forest Openings and Arthropod Populations. 1991
Pest Control: An Assessment of Present and Alternative Technologies. Volume III. Cotton Pest Control. 1976
Pest Control: An Assessment of Present and Alternative Technologies. Volume V. Pest Control and Public Health. 1976
Pesticide and venom neurotoxicity / 1978
Pesticide Effects on Arthropod Natural Enemies: A Database Summary. 1991
Pesticide Resistance: Strategies and Tactics for Management. 1986
Pesticide Side-Effects on Arthropod Natural Enemies: A Database Summary. 1988
Pictorial keys to arthropods, reptiles, birds, and mammals of public health significance. 1969
Planet insect / 1995
Prevention of bug bites, stings and disease / 2009
Proceedings of U.S.-U.S.S.R. Symposium: The Integrated Control of the Arthropod, Disease and Weed Pests of Cotton, Grain Sorghum and Deciduous Fruit Held at Lubbock, Texas on September 28-October 1, 1975. 1975
Production of arthropod pests and vectors in coal strip mine ponds / 1981
Production of arthropod pests and vectors in coal strip mine ponds / 1982
Public Health Pesticides. 1973
References for the identification of freshwater macroinvertebrates / 1972
SELCTV System Manual for SELCTV and REFER Databases and the SELCTV Data Management Program. 1991
Shrimps (Arthropoda: Crustacea: Penaeidae). 1979
Soil Biology and Ecology. 1993
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