Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A concise companion to visual culture / 2021
A Lagrangian photochemical air quality simulation model : adaptation to the St. Louis - RAPS data base, volume I, model formation / 1979
A manual of style : for authors, editors and copywriters. 1969
A method for characterization and quantification of fugitive lead emissions from secondary lead smelters, ferroalloy plants and gray iron foundries / 1978
A world fit for chipmunks and other living things / 1977
Activated carbon treatment of industrial wastewaters : selected technical papers / 1979
Activated carbon treatment of industrial wastewaters : selected technical papers / 1979
Air Pollution and the Kraft Pulping Industry. An Annotated Bibliography. 1963
Air pollution aspects of brass and bronze smelting and refining industry / 1969
An assessment of ozone and chlorine dioxide technologies for treatment of municipal water supplies : executive summary / 1978
An exploratory study : assessment of modeled dioxin exposure in ceramic art studios / 2008
An exploratory study : assessment of modeled dioxin exposure in ceramic art studios. 2008
An introduction to southwestern Indian arts & crafts / 1966
Analysis and Control of Mechanical Noise in Internal Combustion Engines. 1982
Antarctica : images from a frozen continent / 1988
Anti-Indianism in modern America : a voice from Tatekeya's Earth / 2007
Antimony removal technology for mining industry wastewaters / 1979
Application and evaluation of analytical procedures for trace metals, total cyanide and phenolics 1982
Assessment of cost and effectiveness of biological dual nutrient removal technologies in the Chesapeake Bay drainage basin / 1988
Assessment of Future Environmental Trends and Problems: Industrial Use of Applied Genetics and Biotechnologies. 1981
Assessment of hazardous waste surface impoundment technology : case studies and perspectives of experts / 1984
Assessment of Maltichemical Contamination: Proceedings of an International Workshop Held in Milan, Italy on April 28-30, 1981. 1982
Assessment of methods for control of fugitive emissions from paved roads / 1979
Assessments of Future Environmental Trends and Problems of Increased Use, Recycling, and Combustion of Fiber-Reinforced, Plastic and Metal Composite Materials. 1982
Available models for estimating emissions resulting from bioremediation processes : a review / 1990
Barrel and Drum Reconditioning Industry Status Profile. 1981
Bibliography on information resources management. 1985
Biological processes in the treatment of municipal water supplies / 1982
Birds of the Chesapeake bay 1992
Blah blah blah : what to do when words don't work / 2011
CAPDET (Computer Assisted Procedures for the Design and Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Systems). 1981
Case studies in the application of air quality modeling in environmental decision making : summary and recommendations / 1981
Chemical composition of produced water at some offshore oil platforms 1982
Chemical fate testing guidelines and support documents. 1982
Chemical Management Resource Guide for School Administrators. 2006
Chemical Transformation Modules for Eulerian Acid Deposition Models. Volume 2. The Aqueous-Phase Chemistry. 1985
Closed-cycle cooling systems for steam-electric power plants : a state-of-the-art manual / 1979
Colored pictures : race and visual representation / 2003
Communication arts. 1969
Comparative Evaluation of Seven Automated Ambient Nonmethane Organic Compound Analyzers. 1982
Compendium reports on oil shale technology / 1979
Components identified in energy-related wastes and effluents {microform} / 1982
Concise rules of APA style. 2005
Control of animal production odors : the state of the art / 1978
Control of hydrocarbon emissions from cotton and synthetic textile finishing plants {MICROFICHE} / R. Chandrasekhar and E. Poulin. 1983
Critical review of estimating benefits of air and water pollution control / 1978
DDC retrieval and indexing terminology. 1975
Decontamination techniques for mobile response equipment used at waste sites (state-of-the-art survey) / 1985
Delicious decadence : the rediscovery of French eighteenth-century painting in the nineteenth century / 2016
Dense nonaqueous phase liquids : a workshop summary, Dallas, Texas, April 16-18, 1991. 1992
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