Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Arms control)

Select Item Title Year Published
Avoiding armageddon : our future, our choice : companion to the PBS series from Ted Turner Documentaries / 2003
Biological terrorism in the United States : threat, preparedness, and response : final report / 2000
Chemical warfare : a study in restraints / 1968
Chemical Weapons Convention chemicals analysis : sample collection, preparation, and analytical methods / 2005
Impact of revised airborne exposure limits on non-stockpile chemical materiel program activities / 2005
Nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and missiles : the current situation and trends / 2005
Seeking security : pathogens, open access, and genome databases / 2004
Training program in analytical methods and instrumentation for the verification of chemical disarmament : basic course / 1991

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