Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1989-90 Phoenix urban haze study final report / 1991
208 areawide water quality management plan. : Region V: Gila and Pinal counties, Arizona. October 1, 1978. 1978
208 water quality management plan for Apache, Coconino, Navajo, Yavapai Counties, Arizona 1981 amendment / 1981
208 water quality management plan. : October 1978. 1978
A Balanced approach to resource extraction and creative land development associated with open-pit copper mining in Southern Arizona : [a joint project of the College of Architecture and the College of Mines of the University of Arizona / 1974
A model tribal solid waste management code / 1993
A network for monitoring the impact on surface water quality / 1980
A qualitative and quantitative analysis of risk perception and treatment options as related to wildfires in the USDA FS Region 3 National Forests / 2011
A regional characterization of air quality and deposition in the coniferous forest of the western United States. [microfiche]/ by Margi Bohm. 1990
A study of emissions from 1975-1979 light-duty trucks / 1980
A transportation control strategy for the Phoenix-Tucson air quality area / 1973
Accuracy Assessment of 1997 Landsat Thematic Mapper Derived Land Cover for the Upper San Pedro Watershed (U.S./Mexico). 2000
Aerial photographic analysis of a waste study site : Surprise, Arizona / 1984
Aerial photographic analysis of Ag-Rotor Pesticide Applicator facility : Fort Mojave Indian Reservation, Arizona / 1985
Aerial photographic analysis of hazardous waste sites 1983
Aerial photographic analysis of hazardous waste sites in Tucson, Arizona and Emeryville, California, Region IX 1981
Aerial photographic analysis of Luke Air Force Base : Maricopa County, Arizona / 1991
Aerial photographic analysis of Luke Air Force Base, Maricopa County, Arizona 1987
Aerial photographic analysis of Pacific Fruit Express Company : Tucson, Arizona / 1993
Aerial photographic analysis of Phelps Dodge reduction works : Douglas, Arizona / 1995
Aerial photographic analysis of Phoenix well sites number 71 and number 226 1985
Aerial photographic analysis of proposed Arizona hazardous waste disposal sites 1982
Aerial photographic analysis of the El Mirage landfill site : El Mirage Arizona / 1985
Aerial photographic analysis of the Esco site, Tucson, Arizona 1981
Aerial photographic analysis of the North Mesa/Tri-Cities study area 1985
Aerial photographic analysis of the Pima Paving, Inc. study area : Tucson, Arizona / 1994
Aerial photographic analysis of the proposed Rainbow Valley hazardous waste site 1983
Aerial photographic analysis of waste disposal sites : Arizona / 1985
Aerial photographic analysis two landfill sites : Flagstaff, Arizona / 1985
Aerial photographic atlas : priority CERCLA hazardous waste sites : EPA Region IX / 1983
Aerial reconnaissance of the Colorado, Whitewater, and Alamo Rivers, Nevada, Arizona, and California 1981
Aerial reconnaissance of three Arizona copper mining areas, April 1981 1981
Aerosol sampling and analysis : Phoenix, Arizona / 1977
Age and location of volcanic centers <- 3.0 M.Y. old in Arizona, New Mexico and the Trans-Pecos area of west Texas : (modified from R.G. Luedke and R.L. Smith, 1978) / 1981
Aggradation and degradation of alluvial sand deposits, 1965 to 1986, Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona 1990
Air dispersion modeling of toxic pollutants in urban areas : guidance, methodology and example applications. 1999
Air pollution : estimated benefits and costs of the Navajo Generating Station's emissions limit : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Water and Power Resources, Committee on Resources, House of Representatives / 1998
Air pollution regulations in state implementation plans: Arizona 1978
Air pollution report, federal facilities, Phoenix-Tucson intrastate air quality control region 1970
Air pollution surveillance study, Tucson, Arizona; preliminary report, 1960
Air quality assessment report for the year 1974 clark-mohave AQCR / 1976
Air quality data for Arizona 1973
Air quality in the Lake Powell region / 1974
Air quality maintenance analysis in Phoenix, Arizona / 1977
Air Quality Maintenance Analysis in Phoenix, Arizona. 1977
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria for lakes and reservoirs in nutrient ecoregion III : xeric west including all or parts of the states of : Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas, and the authorized Tribes within the ecoregion. 2001
Amphibians, reptiles, and their habitats at Sabino Canyon / 2006
An Implementation plan for suspended particulate matter in the Phoenix area / 1977
Analysis of Regional Visibility in the Southwest Using Principal Component and Back Trajectory Techniques. 1985
Analysis of the Arizona IM240 test program and comparison with the TECH5 model : technical report / 1997
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