Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Arctic regions)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1992 proceedings, International Conference on Arctic Margins : Anchorage, Alaska, September 1992 / 1994
20 is too much ! : evidence and implications of dangerous climate change in the Arctic / 2005
A flue gas heat exchanger for ice fog control / 1974
A selected bibliography on the fate and effects of oil pollution relevant to the Canadian marine environment / 1977
A study of winter air pollutants at Fairbanks, Alaska / 1979
Ageing, wellbeing and climate change in the arctic : an interdisciplinary analysis / 2016
Air monitoring in the Arctic. 1992
Air monitoring in the Arctic: 1980-90. 1991
Alaska North Slope Oil-Field Restoration Research Strategy. 1992
Alaskan industry experience in arctic sewage treatment / 1971
AMAP assessement report : Arctic pollution issues / 1998
AMAP assessment 2002 : human health in the Arctic. 2003
AMAP assessment 2002 : persistent organic pollutants in the Arctic / 2004
AMAP assessment 2002 : the influence of global change on contaminant pathways to, within, and from the Arctic / 2003
An Arctic ecosystem : the coastal tundra at Barrow, Alaska / 1980
Analysis of the Demands for Water from the Private Sector in a Sub-Arctic Urban Area. 1972
Arctic and alpine biodiversity : patterns, causes, and ecosystem consequences / 1995
Arctic climate impact assessment / 2005
Arctic contamiants research program : research plan / 1992
Arctic Council Senior Arctic Officials Working Group, November 19-19, 1999 : {and} Sustainable Development Working Group meeting, November 17, 1999 / 1999
Arctic environmental atlas / 1999
Arctic food security / 2008
Arctic life of birds and mammals, including man. 1972
Arctic ocean investigation employing AOMIP-2 models. 2012
Arctic ocean model intercomparision project (AOMIP) : studies and results. 2007
Arctic oil spill countermeasures logistics study 1989
Arctic pollution 2002 : persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals, radioactivity, human health, changing pathways / 2002
Arctic pollution issues : a state of the Arctic environment report. 1997
Arctic report card : update for 2013 : tracking recent environmental changes / 2013
Arctic social sciences : opportunities in Arctic research. 1999
Arctic stream processes : an annotated bibliography / 1979
Arctic voices : resistance at the tipping point / 2012
Assessment of the arctic marine environment : selected topics 1976
Assimilative capacity of arctic rivers / 1970
Atmospheric cross sections for the Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program, March-April 1983 / 1985
Atmospheric Dispersion in the Artic: Winter-Time Boundary-Layer Measurements. 1989
Balaena mysticetus : whales, oil, and whaling in the Arctic / 1984
Batch disinfection of treated wastewater with chlorine at less than 1C / 1973
Beringia conservation program : opportunities for international cooperation = Ekologicheska i a programma oskhraneni i a Beringii / 1991
Bibliography of Arctic Water Resources. 1970
Biodegradation of Organic Substrates Under Arctic and Subarctic Conditions. 1972
Biological Waste Treatment in the Far North. 1970
Canadian Arctic contaminants assessment report II = Synthese du rapport de l'evaluation des contaminants dans l'Arctique canadien, phase II. 2003
Canadian Arctic contaminants assessment report. II. 2003
Carbon Balance of the Continuous Permafrost Zone of Russia. 1993
Chena River, The Study of a Subarctic Stream. 1970
Chlorine Disinfection of Treated Wastewater in a Baffled Contact Chamber at < 1 degree C. 1973
Circadian rhythms in the Arctic / 1963
Climate of the North Slope, Alaska 1971
Cold climate oil spills : a terrestrial and freshwater research review / 1981
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