Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Aquatic organisms Effect of water pollution on)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2003 update of ambient water quality criteria for copper : (CAS registry number 7440-50-8) / 2003
A computerized system for the evaluation of aquatic habitats based on environmental requirements and pollution tolerance associations of resident organisms / 1986
A Laboratory study of long-term effects of mine depressurization groundwater on fish and invertebrates / 1980
A method of measuring the equilibrium concentration of a chemical substance in aquatic organisms / 1983
A summary of the data on the toxicity of various materials to aquatic life. 1977
Acidic episodes in surface waters : the state of science / 1987
Alum sludge in the aquatic environment 1991
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for atrazine 1998
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for atrazine / 2001
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for atrazine / 2003
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for nonylphenol : draft / 2003
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for tributyltin / 2003
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for tributyltin / 2002
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for tributyltin : draft / 1997
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria nonylphenol 2005
An evaluation and compilation of the reported effects of acidification on aquatic biota / 1986
Annotated bibliography on biological effects of metals in aquatic environments (no. 1-567). 1973
Aquatic bioenvironmental studies : the Hanford experience, 1944-84 / 1990
Aquatic biology and the pulp and paper industry : report no. 1 / 1979
Aquatic biology of the San Joaquin-Tulare basins, California : analysis of available data through 1992 / 1996
Aquatic habitat program plan for assessing the effects of pollutants in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary / 1982
Aquatic life ambient water quality criteria diazinon : (CAS registry number 333-41-5) / 2005
Aquatic toxicity data evaluation 1993
Aquatic toxicity data evaluation appendix C: the database / 1993
Aquatic toxicology : molecular, biochemical, and cellular perspectives / 1994
Aquatox (Release 2.1) / 2005
Aquatox (release 2.1) : modeling environmental fate and ecological effects in aquatic ecosystems. Volume 3, User's manual for the basins (version 3.1) extension to Aquatox release 2.1 / 2005
Aquatox (release 2.2) / modeling environmental fate and ecological effects in aquatic ecosystems. 2006
Aquatox (release 2.2) : modeling environmental fate and ecological effects in aquatic ecosystems : technical documentation (addendum). 2006
AQUATOX / 2000
AQUATOX : a modular fate and effects model for aquatic ecosystems Technical documentation (addendum). 2001
AQUATOX for windows : a modular fate and effects model for aquatic ecosystems. vol. 3, Model validation reports : addendum. 2001
Aquatox release 2.2. 2006
AQUIRE : AQUatic toxicity Information REtrieval Database : a technical support document / 1989
AQUIRE : Aquatic Toxicity Information Retrieval Database : a technical support document / 1993
AQUIRE Aquatic Toxicity Information Retrieval Database : a technical support document / 1992
Assessing bioaccumulation in aquatic organisms exposed to contaminated sediments / 1991
Assessment of Sediments in the Buffalo River Area of Concern / 1995
Background document to the integrated risk assessment for dioxins and furans from chlorine bleaching in pulp and paper mills / 1990
Bacteria of public health significance associated with fish reared in treated wastewater / 1985
Baseline risk assessment for aquatic life for the Buffalo River, New York, area of concern / 1995
Bioavailability : physical, chemical, and biological interactions / 1994
Biological effects of effluent from a desalination plant at Key West, Florida, 1970
Biological monitoring of marine pollutants : proceedings of a Symposium on Pollution and Physiology of Marine Organism{s}, held in Milford, Connecticut, November 7-9, 1980 {i.e. 1979} / 1981
Biological test method : toxicity test using luminescent bacteria (photobacterium phosphoreum) / 1993
Biological test method. Toxicity test using luminescent bacteria (photobacterium phosphoreum) / 1992
Cadmium in the aquatic environment / 1987
Cadmium in water; a bibliography. 1973
Calculation of the final acute value for water quality criteria for aquatic organisms / 1988
Chemicals risk modeling : toxic effect risks imposed on aquatic organisms by industrial activity = Yhteenveto, kemikaalien teollisesta kasittelysta vesielieoille aiheutuvien riskien arviointi mallin avulla / 1989
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