Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 145
Showing: Items 101 - 145
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Aquatic habitats)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Manual for calculating critical loads of heavy metals for aquatic ecosystems : guideline for critical limits, calculation methods and input data / 1998
Manual for performing risk assessments for persistent organic pollutants in aquatic ecosystems : guidelines for critical limits, calculation methods and input data / 1998
Methods used to map the benthic habitats of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands 2002
Near infrared aerial photo-detection of Zostera Japonica communities in Pacific Northwest estuarine intertidal habitats / 2000
NPDES watershed strategy. 1994
Parametric Determination of Minimum Stream Flow for Trout. 1973
Physical effects of wet weather flows on aquatic habitats : present knowledge and research needs / 2003
Priorities for Coastal Ecosystem Science. 1994
Problems of aquatic toxicology, biotesting and water quality management : proceedings of USA-Russia symposium, Borok, Jaroslavl Oblast, July 21-23, 1992 / 1996
Protocol for the derivation of Canadian sediment quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life. 1995
Proximity of Pennsylvania sanitary landfills to wetlands and deepwater habitats : data on individual landfills / 1989
Proximity of Pennsylvania sanitary landfills to wetlands and deepwater habitats : statewide results / 1989
Quantifying physical habitat in wadeable streams / 1999
Rapid bioassessment protocols for use in streams and rivers : benthic macroinvertebrates and fish / 1989
Reservation=wide Biological Monitoring of Surface Waters: aquatic invertebrate assemblages of the Jocko River and Little Bitterroot River Watersheds 2007
Restoration and enhancement of aquatic habitats in Alaska case study reports, policy guidance, and recommendations / 1994
Restoration and enhancement of aquatic habitats in Alaska project inventory, case study selection, and bibliography / 1993
Restored riparian buffers as tools for ecosystem restoration in the MAIA : processes, endpoints, and measures of success for water, soil, flora and fauna / 1999
Restoring a bay resource : riparian forest buffer demonstration sites. 1997
Retrieval of geophysical parameters with integrated modeling of land surfaces and atmosphere : models/inversion algorithms, summary report / 1998
Review of rapid assessment methods for assessing wetland condition / 2004
Setting Priorities for Tampa Bay Habitat Protection and Restoration: Restoring the Balance. 1996
Standard operating procedures for stream assessments and biological collections related to biological criteria in Oklahoma. 1999
State of the Estuary 2000 : restoration primer : San Francisco Bay Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Estuary / 2000
State of the Estuary 2004 : changes & challenges : San Francisco Bay, Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Estuary : October 2003, State of the Estuary Conference proceedings / 2004
State of the Estuary, 1992-1997 : vital statistics, new science, environmental management : San Francisco Bay-Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary / 1997
Statistical summary : EMAP-estuaries, Louisianian Province - 1993 / 1995
Status of aquatic habitat rehabilitation and conservation efforts in the watersheds of Great Lakes areas of concern / 1995
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Distribution in Tributaries of Tampa Bay. 1995
Subtidal and intertidal habitats of the North Coast of Waiheke Island, Hauraki Gulf, 2013 / 2013
Summary of fish habitat/water quality since the Silver fire of 1987 / 1996
Summary Report of the EPA/AWPI Arsenic and Chromium Roundtable. Held in New Orleans, Louisiana on June 18, 1996. 1997
The Development of an aquatic habitat classification system for lakes / 1992
The Integration of basin streamflow and channel characteristics for channel condition analyses / 2001
The San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary : changes and challenges : 6th Biennial State of the Estuary Conference : abstracts. 2003
Threatened and endangered species of wetlands and waterways in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska / 1991
Toxic Contaminants in Puget Sound's Nearshore Biota: A Large-Scale Synoptic Survey Using Transplanted Mussels (Mytilus trossulus). 2014
Toxicity of Bed Sediments from the Niagara River Area of Concern and Tributaries, New York, to Chironomus dilutus and Hyalella azteca, 2014-15. 2016
Trout Distribution and Habitat in Relation to Geology and Geomorphology in the North Fork Humboldt River Drainage, Northeastern Nevada. 1994
UV effects in aquatic organisms and ecosystems / 2003
Volunteer stream monitoring : a methods manual. 1997
Water quality conditions at the Jordan River National Fish Hatchery, Elmira, Michigan / 1969
Water quality effects of hyporheic processing / 2000
What's ailing the Bight? : problems affecting the New York - New Jersey Harbor and the New York Bight / 1995
World of fresh water : a resource for studying issues of freshwater research / 1997
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