Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Aquatic ecology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Fundamentals of aquatic ecology 1991
Fundamentals of aquatic ecosystems 1980
Galveston Bay : issues, resources, status, and management : proceedings of a seminar held March 14, 1988, Washington, D.C. 1989
Galveston Bay Data Inventory. Volume 1. 1991
Galveston Bay Data Inventory. Volume 2. 1991
Glossary of aquatic ecological terms / 1969
Glossary of aquatic ecological terms / 1972
Gore Creek watershed, Colorado : assessment of historical and current water quantity, water quality, and aquatic ecology, 1968-98 / 2001
Great Lakes human health effects research program / 1990
Great Lakes water quality initiative technical support document for the procedure to determine bioaccumulation factors : draft. 1993
Guidelines: biological surveys at proposed heat discharge sites, 1970
Handbook of environmental and ecological modeling 1995
Handbook of scaling methods in aquatic ecology : measurement, analysis, simulation / 2004
Heavy metals in the aquatic environment : proceedings of the international conference held in Nashville, Tennessee, December 1973 / 1975
Higher level consumer interactions : chapter 4 / 1981
How an estuary changed into a freshwater lake the water management of Lake Volkerak/Zoom : technical meeting 50, Roosendaal, The Netherlands, 4 June 1992 / 1992
Hydro-ecological relations in the Delta Waters of the South-West Netherlands technical meeting 46, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 8 March 1989 / 1989
Hydrobotanical methods 1975
Identifying nutrient reference sites in nutrient-enriched regions : using algal, invertebrate, and fish-community measures to identify stressor-breakpoint thresholds in Indiana rivers and streams, 2005-9 / 2013
Impact of the use of microorganisms on the aquatic environment : proceedings / 1975
Impacts of impervious cover on aquatic systems 2003
Implications to the aquatic environment of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons liberated from Northern Great Plains coal / 1979
Improving aquatic risk assessment under FIFRA : report of the Aquatic Effects Dialogue Group. 1992
Influence of an open-pit copper mine on the ecology of an upper Sonoran intermittent stream / 1977
Influences of microbial populations on aquatic nutrient cycles and some engineering aspects, 1972
Interactions among waterfowl, fishes, invertebrates, and macrophytes in four Maine lakes of different acidity / 1985
Investigation of mathematical models for the physical fate prediction of dredged material / 1974
Investigation of water quality and aquatic-community structure in Village and Valley Creeks, city of Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama, 2000-01 / 2002
Journal of aquatic ecosystem health. 1992
Journal of aquatic ecosystem stress and recovery. 1997
Lake George site overview : progress in ecosystems analysis for the Lake George IBP site, 1971-1972 : a final report for Union Carbide Subcontract no. 3808 for the Eastern Deciduous Forest Biome, IBP, Lake George Site / 1973
Lakewide management plan for Lake Ontario : stage 1 : problem definition. 1998
Legislation, regulation and policy for the prevention and control of nonindigenous aquatic nuisance species : model guidance for Great Lakes jurisdictions / 1999
Life cycle assessments and eutrophication : a concept for calculation of the potential effects of nitrogen and phosphorous / 1993
Life history and ecological energetics of the gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) in Acton Lake, Ohio 1977
Liming of acidified waters : a review of methods and effects on aquatic ecosystems / 1982
Linking aquatic exposure and effects : risk assessment of pesticides / 2010
Lipids in aquatic ecosystems / 2009
Literature review on research study for the development of dredged material disposal criteria 1974
Living in water an aquatic science curriculum for grades 4-6 / 1987
Maine biological monitoring and biocriteria development program / 1995
Manual of methods in aquatic environment research. 1975
Manual of methods in aquatic environment research. Part 11 : Biological assessment of marine pollution, with particular reference to benthos / 1992
Marine habitat mapping technology for Alaska / 2008
Mercury in aquatic systems : methylation, oxidation-reduction, and bioaccumulation / 1974
Metal metabolism in aquatic environments 1998
Metals in aquatic systems : a review of exposure, bioaccumulation, and toxicity models / 2003
Methodology for assessing impacts of radioactivity on aquatic ecosystems : report of an advisory group meeting on methodology of radiation effect experiments on aquatic organisms and ecosystems for the evaluation of the effects of radionuclide releases to aquatic environments organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 21-25 November 1977. 1979
Methods and measurements of periphyton communities : a review / 1979
Methods for the assessment and prediction of mineral mining impacts on aquatic communities : a review and analysis : workshop proceedings, December 6-7, 1977, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia / 1978
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