Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Apoptosis)

Select Item Title Year Published
Apoptosis : from signaling pathways to therapeutic tools / 2003
Apoptosis and cancer : methods and protocols / 2008
Aspen Cancer Conference (8th): Molecular Mechanisms of Toxicity in Relation to the Genetics of Animal and Human Neoplasia. Held on July 17-22, 1993. 1994
Death of Intermediolateral Spinal Cord Neurons Follows Selective, Complement-Mediated Destruction of Peripheral Preganglionic Sympathetic Terminals by Acetylcholinesterase Antibodies. 1993
Molecular toxicology protocols / 2005
Neurodegeneration methods and protocols 1998
Programmed cell death 1997
Signal transduction pathways, chromatin structure, and gene expression mechanisms as therapeutic targets / 2004
Techniques in apoptosis : a user's guide / 1996
Total antioxidant levels of individual foods versus combinations of food and the effect on apoptotic induction in HeLa cells / 2018
Tributyltin and Dexamethasone Induce Apoptosis in Rat Thymocytes by Mutually Antagonistic Mechanisms. 1994
When cells die : a comprehensive evaluation of apoptosis and programmed cell death 1998

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