Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Anwendung)

Select Item Title Year Published
A primer of ecological statistics / 2004
Applied regression analysis 1966
Applied regression analysis / 1981
Applied statistics : principles and examples / 1981
Dynamic light scattering : with applications to chemistry, biology, and physics / 1976
GIS for environmental management / 2006
Handbook of applied hydrology; a compendium of water-resources technology. 1964
Practical spectroscopy / 1948
Statistical methods for comparative studies : techniques for bias reduction / 1980
Statistical techniques for data analysis / 1990
Statistical techniques for data analysis. 2004
Statistical theory and inference in research / 1981
Statistics : a guide to the unknown / 1978
Statistics for experimentalists / 1969
Support vector machines and their application in chemistry and biotechnology / 2011
Tensor analysis : theory and applications to geometry and mechanics of continua / 1964
The finite element method : fundamentals and applications / 1973
The full picture / 2007

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