Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Antifouling coatings)

Select Item Title Year Published
Pesticide Product Information on Microfiche, Set A. 1984
Pesticide Product Information on Microfiche, Sets A and B. 1984
Probabilistic ecological risk assessment of tributyltin in the Chesapeake Bay watershed : final report / 1998
Survey of tributyltin and dibutyltin concentrations at selected harbors in Chesapeake Bay : final report / 1987
Synoptic Survey of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Inputs to the Southern California Bight. Volume II: Appendices. 1981
The development of a deployable water quality monitoring system / 1980
Treatability Studies of Tributyltin in Activated Sludge. 1989
Tributyltin: {microform} position document 4. Tributyltin antifoulants: notice of intent to cancel; denial of applicaations for registration; partial conclusion of special review. 1988

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