Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 26
Showing: Items 1 - 26
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Anthracite)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of residential coal stove emissions / 1983
Anthracite in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Massachusetts 1977
Anthracite Region Mine Drainage Remediation Strategy (Technical Report). 2011
Bedrock geologic map of the anthracite-bearing rocks in the Wilkes-Barre west quadrangle, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 1976
Bedrock geologic map of the anthracite-bearing strata in the northwestern part of the Wilkes-Barre east quadrangle, Pennsylvania 1973
Catawissa Creek mine drainage abatement project / 1977
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition, Supplement No. 14 (Including Supplements 1-7). 1983
Compilation of air pollutant emission factors. 1975
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors. Second Edition. Supplement No. 3. 1974
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors. Supplement Number 7. 1977
Development of suspended solids quality control and performance evaluation samples / 1976
Effectiveness of a Contact Filter for the Removal of Iron from Ground Water. 1971
Emissions from residential and small commercial stoker-coal-fired boilers under smokeless operations / 1976
Environmental assessment, source test and evaluation report : Wellman-Galusha (Glen Gery) low-Btu gasification / 1979
Fossil plants from the anthracite coal fields of eastern Pennsylvania / 1982
Gasification of fossil fuels under oxidative, reductive, and pyrolytic conditions / 1973
Geologic map of anthracite-bearing rocks in the Tamaqua quadrangle, Carbon and Schuylkill counties, Pennsylvania / 1974
Hanover Park tertiary studies / 1976
Mineralogy associated with burning anthracite deposits of eastern Pennsylvania / 1980
Particle Removal and Head Loss Development in Biological Filters. 1993
Problems in the control of anthracite mine fires : a case study of the Centralia mine fire (August 1980) / 1983
Proposed strip mined area and recreation center development, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania : final environmental statement / 1972
Source assessment : residential combustion of coal / 1979
Sulfur Behavior and Sequestering of Sulfur Compounds during Coal Carbonization, Gasification, and Combustion. 1971
Supplement E to Compilation of air pollutant emission factors. Volume 1, Stationary point and area sources. 1992
United States Coal Resources and Production. 1971

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