Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 49
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Animal wastes)

Select Item Title Year Published
Action Conference Proceedings, Held at Denver, Colorado on August 28-29. 1973
Aerobic treatability of feedlot runoff / 1971
Animal agriculture : concentrated animal feeding operations--livestock operations inspection. 2003
Animal waste composting with carbonaceous material / 1978
Animal Waste Management. Proceedings of National Symposium on Animal Waste Management Held at Warrenton, Virginia on September 28-30, 1971. 1971
Case Studies on the Impact of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) on Ground Water Quality. 2012
Cost methodology for the final revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulation and the effluent guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations. 2002
Cost methodology report for beef and dairy animal feeding operations : final / 2001
Demonstration and Transfer of Selected New Technologies for Animal Waste Pollution Control. 2009
Development and Selection of Ammonia Emission Factors for the 1985 NAPAP Emissions Inventory. 1990
Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards of Performance for the Livestock Market Industry. 1976
Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Industry Point Source Category. 2002
Development document for the final revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulation and the effluent guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations. 2002
Diseases Caused by Water Contact. 1985
Draft guidance for aquatic animal production facilities to assist in reducing the discharge of pollutants. 2002
Economic analysis of the final revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulation and the effluent guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations. 2002
Economic analysis of the final revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulation and the effluent guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations. 2002
Effects of Livestock Wastes on Small Illinois Streams: Lower Kaskaskia River Basin and Upper Little Wabash River Basins, Summer 1991. 1992
Environmental and economic benefit analysis of final revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulation and the effluent guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations / 2002
Environmental assessment of proposed revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulation and effluent limitations guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations 2001
Estimating Agriculture's Net Contribution to Atmospheric Carbon. 1992
Evaluation of Sediment and Phosphorus Management Practices in the White Clay Lake Watershed. 1983
Fuel and energy production by bioconversion of waste materials : state-of-the-art / 1976
Funding of expanded uses activities by state revolving fund programs : examples and program recommendations / 1990
Immediate Water Pollution Control Needs, South Platte River Basin. 1967
Managing manure nutrients at concentrated animal feeding operations : draft guidance. 2001
Managing manure nutrients at concentrated animal feeding operations. 2004
Managing manure nutrients at concentrated animal feeding operations. 2004
Methane on the move : a discussion of small anaerobic digesters / 1977
Nutrient Management. Supplement to the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Volume 49, Number 2. 1994
Organic Emissions from Medical Waste Incineration. 1992
Overland recycling system for animal waste treatment / 1979
Policy options for animal waste management in Oklahoma a report to the Governor's Animal Waste Task Force / 1994
Pollutant Loading Reductions for the Revised Effluent Limitations Guidelines for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. 2002
Poultry excreta dehydration and utilization: system development and demonstration. 1977
Proceedings of Workshop on Agricultural Non-Point Source Water Pollution Control Held in Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C. on September 16-17, 1974. 1974
Research status on effects of land application of animal wastes / 1975
Review of emission factors and methodologies to estimate ammonia emissions from animal waste handling / 2002
Review of Emission Factors and Methodologies to Estimate Ammonia Emissions from Animal Waste Handling Project Summary 2002
Studies to determine methods for culturing three freshwater zooplankton species / 1975
Study of current and proposed practices in animal waste management / 1974
Swine lagoon effluent applied to Coastal bermudagrass {MICROFICHE} 1983
Technical Support Document for the Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulations for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. 2002
The report of the EPA/State Feedlot Workgroup. [Microfiche]. 1993
Transport and fate of nutrients and indicator microorganisms at a dairy lagoon water application site : an assessment of nutrient management plans / 2011
Uncertainties in Nitrogen Mass Loadings in Coastal Watersheds. 1990
Upgrading Meat Packing Facilities to Reduce Pollution. In-Process Modifications and Pretreatment. 1973
Utilization and Disposal of Poultry Manure. 1963
Watershed Nitrogen Management: Upper Potomac River Basin Case Study. 1990

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