Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Air Quality Analysis Workshop. Volume II. Executive Summary. 1976
An analysis of radar exposure in the San Francisco area / 1977
An analysis of radiofrequency and microwave absorption data with consideration of thermal safety standards / 1978
Analysis of Broadcast Radiation Levels in Hawaii. 1975
Analysis of Oil Shale Wastes: A Review. 1981
Baseline levels of platinum and palladium in human tissue / 1976
C-Banding of Chromosomes from Three Established Marine Fish Cell Lines. 1980
Case Studies and Model Testing of the Metals Exposure Analysis Modeling System (MEXAMS). 1986
Characterization of Ozone Emissions from Air Cleaners Equipped with Ozone Genrators and Sensor and Feedback Control Circuitry. 2000
Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticides in Plasma and Milk of Pregnant and Lactating Women. 1968
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1989 / 1989
Computer Assistance in Hazards Analyses and Emergency Planning. 1988
Consolidation of Irrigation Systems: Engineering, Legal, and Sociological Constraints and/or facilitators. Phase I. 1973
Determination of Pentachlorophenol and Hexachlorophene in Human Adipose Tissue. 1973
Development and Evaluation of Composite Receptor Methods. 1988
Economic/Social Impact of Occupational Noise Exposure Regulations. 1976
Effects of aroclor 1254 on brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis / 1976
Evaluation and research of methodology for the National Environmental Specimen Bank / 1978
Fabric Filtration Analyses for Three Utility Boiler Flyashes. 1980
Health Advisories for 'Legionella' and Seven Inorganics. 1987
Hydrologic Characterization of Forested Watersheds in Arizona. 1971
Indoor Air Pollution Source Database. 1986
Indoor Air Quality Model for Particulate Matter. 2000
Investigation of legionella pneumophila in drinking water / 1985
Medical and Biologic Effects of Environmental Pollutants, Platinum-Group Metals. 1977
Methodology for assessing environmental implications and technologies : nonferrous metals industries / 1976
MOBILE4 sensitivity analysis : final report / 1991
National interim primary drinking water regulations / 1977
NESHAPs asbestos demolition and renovation inspection : workshop manual : final report / 1984
Patterns of Politics in Water Resource Development: A Case Study of New Mexico's Role in the Colorado River Basin Bill. 1969
Pesticides in People: Criteria for Monitoring Pesticides in People include High- and Low-Exposure Conditions, Age, Sex Differences. 1967
Photochemical Oxidant Modeling. Volume II. Detailed Technical Report. 1975
Pilot Program for the National Environmental Specimen Bank - Phase I. 1981
Plankton analysis : training manual / 1975
Political Economy of a Corps of Engineers Project Report: The Delmarva Waterway. 1972
Processing sludge : sludge characterization studies / 1980
Public Health Considerations of Carbon-14 Discharges from the Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Industry. 1976
Quality assurance guidelines for biological testing / 1978
Quality of Life Indicators. A Review of State-of-the-Art and Guidelines Derived to Assist in Developing Environmental Indicators. 1972
Radiological survey of Kings Bay Submarine Support Facility / 1987
Recommended Operating Procedure No. 51: Glass Source Assessment Sampling System (Glass SASS). 1991
Regional Differences in Airway Surface Liquid Composition. 1980
Reviews of Current Literature on Aanalytical Methodology and Quality Control No. 15. 1973
Reviews of Current Literature on Analytical Methodology and Quality Control No. 14. 1973
Reviews of Current Literature on Analytical Methodology and Quality Control, Number 22. 1973
Reviews of the environmental effects of pollutants : IV, cadmium / 1978
Reviews of the environmental effects of pollutants : VII. Lead / 1978
Reviews of the environmental effects of pollutants. II, Benzidine / 1978
Reviews of the environmental effects of pollutants. III, Chromium / 1978
Sample Accountability Quality Assurance for the 'Integrated Air Cancer Project' Research Program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1987
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