Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Amino Acids)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A new method for the determination of amino-acids in seawater and an investigation of the dissolved free amino-acids of North Atlantic Ocean waters / 1970
Amino acid metabolism 1985
Amino acids and peptides / 1985
Amino acids, peptides, and related compounds 1976
Animo Acid Composition of Suspended Particles, Sediment-Trap Material, and Benthic Sediment in the Potomac Estuary. 1993
Bioassay of L-tryptophan for possible carcinogenicity. 1978
Biochemical Effects in the Rabbit of Repeated Administration of DDT, Carbaryl, and Parathion. 1969
Biochemical Measures of Coral Metabolic Activity, Nutritional Status and Microbial Infection with Exposure to Oil and Gas Well Drilling Fluids. 1987
Biochemistry of Estuarine Ecosystem with Emphasis on Heavy Metals and Shellfish. 1973
Biological conversion of animal wastes to nutrients, 1973
Changes in the Free Amino Acid Pool during Environmental Stress in the Gill Tissue of the Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1981
Characterization of shrimp baculovirus / 1977
Chemical Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter and its Influence on the Chemistry of River Water. 1972
Chemical Responses by Marine Organisms to Stress. Stress in Hard Clams from a Polluted Estuary. 1971
Chemistry and biochemistry of the amino acids 1985
Chemistry and biochemistry of the sulfhydryl group in amino acids, peptides, and proteins. 1973
Comprehensive progress report for Fourier transform NMR of metals of environmental significance / 1979
Construction of a Chemical-Microbial Pilot Plant for Production of Single-Cell Protein from Cellulosic Wastes. 1971
CRC handbook of HPLC for the separation of amino acids, peptides, and proteins 1984
Critical stability constants, 1974
Dissolved Free Amino Acids, Combined Amino Acids, and DNA as Sources of Carbon and Nitrogen to Marine Bacteria. 1993
Distribution System Microbiology: Disinfection Resistance, Disinfection Interference and Sample Variability. 1985
Effect of Chronic Ozone Exposure on the Metabolite Content of Ponderosa Pine Seedlings. 1976
Effect of Eight Outer Continental Shelf Drilling Muds on the Calcification Rate and Free Amino Acid Pool of the Coral 'Acropora cervicornis'. 1984
Effect of Organic Amendments on Bacterial Multiplication in Lake Water. 1990
Effect of Well-Drilling Fluids of the Physiological Status and Microbial Infection of the Reef Building Coral 'Montastrea annularis'. 1984
Effects of Dieldrin or DDT in vivo on Alpha-Alanine, Gamma-Amino-Butyrate, Glutamine, and Glutamate in Rat Brain. 1964
Effects of Salinity Change on the Free Amino Acid Pools of Two Nereid Polychaetes, 'Neanthes succinea' and 'Leonereis culveri'. 1981
Effects of Turbidity on Calcification Rate, Protein Concentration and the Free Amino Acid Pool of the Coral 'Acropora cervicornis'. 1985
Evaluation of Leachate Treatment. Volume I. Characterization of Leachate. 1977
Formation and distribution of organic N-chloramines from the ingestion of chlorinated drinking water / 1987
Halogenated organics study for Allen, Kingston, and Shawnee Steam Plants / 1981
Hemoglobin Binding as a Dose Monitor for Chemical Carcinogens. 1982
Identification of Organic N-Chloramines In vitro in Stomach Fluid from the Rat After Chlorination. 1990
Improved Amino Acid Analysis II. Automated Integration and Computer Processing of Data. 1969
Improved Method of Automation of Amino Acid Analysis. 1968
Inclusion of Tagged Amino Acids Lysine 14C and Glycine 14C in Soluble and Insoluble Lung Proteins during Experimental Berylliosis. 1969
Influence of Acid Mine Water on the Microflora of Sewage. 1971
Influence of Easily Degradable Naturally Occurring Carbon Substrates on Biodegradation of Monosubstituted Phenols by Aquatic Bacteria. 1985
Influence of Inorganic and Organic Nutrients on Aerobic Biodegradation and on the Adaptation Response of Subsurface Microbial Communities. 1988
International Study on 'Artemia' XI. Amino Acid Composition and Electrophoretic Protein Patterns of 'Artemia' from Five Geographical Locations. 1980
Metabolism of amino acids and amines 1971
Metabolism of amino acids and amines 1970
Molecular biology of the cell / 2008
New techniques in amino acid, peptide, and protein analysis. 1971
NTP technical report on the carcinogenesis bioassay of 11-aminoundecanoic acid (CAS no. 2432-99-7) in F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice (feed study). 1982
Nutritional Requirements of Marine Larval and Juvenile Fish. 1981
Nutritional Role of Endosymbiotic Bacteria in Animal-Bacteria Symbioses: 'Solemya velum', a Case Study. 1990
Pesticide registration standard : Chloramben (3 amino 2,5-dichlorobenzoic acid). 1981
Photolysis of Copper(II)-Amino Acid Complexes in Water. 1991
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