Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Algues)

Select Item Title Year Published
Algae / 2000
Algae and element cycling in wetlands / 1995
Algae and water pollution 1994
Algae and water pollution : an illustrated manual on the identification, significance, and control of algae in water supplies and in polluted water / 1978
Algal culturing techniques / 2005
Algal ecology : freshwater benthic ecosystems / 1996
Algal physiology and biochemistry / 1974
Die Kieselalgen Deutschlands, Osterreichs und der Schweiz : unter Ber ucksichtigung der ubrigen L ander Europas sowie der angrenzenden Meeresgebiete. 1. Teil / 1962
Global seagrass research methods / 2001
How to know the seaweeds : an illustrated manual for identifying the more common marine algae of both our Atlantic and Pacific coasts with numerous aids for their study / 1956
Introduction to phycology / 1987
Introduction to the algae : structure and reproduction / 1985
Marine algae of the eastern tropical and subtropical coasts of the Americas. 1960
Phycology / 1999
Physiological ecology of harmful algal blooms / 1998
Pure cultures of algae, their preparation & maintenance / 1964
Seagrass ecosystems : a scientific perspective / 1977
Seaweed ecology and physiology 1994
The algae: a review 1968
The fresh-water algae of the United States / 1933
The fresh-water algae of the United States. 1950
The seaweeds of Florida / 2008

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