Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 701 - 750
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Algae)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Non-Regulated Study: Acute Toxicity of Dow Corning 36 Emulsion to the Green Alga (Selenastrum Capricornutum Printz)-Range Finding Study, with Cover Letter dated 01/20/1999. 1999
Non-Regulated Study: Acute Toxicity of Dow Corning 36 Emulsion to the Green Alga, Ankistrodesmus Convolutus Corda (Manuscript of Poster Presentation), with Cover Letter dated 09/23/1998. 1998
North Pacific seaweeds / 2000
Nutrient and chlorophyll relations in selected streams of the New England Coastal Basins in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, June-September 2001 2003
Nutrient Criteria For Florida Lakes: A Comparison of Approaches. 2002
Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual : lakes and reservoirs / 2000
Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual : rivers and streams / 2000
Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual estuarine and coastal marine waters. {microform} : 2001
Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual lakes and reservoirs / {computer file} : 2000
Nutrient diversion : resulting lake trophic state and phosphorus dynamics / 1977
Nutrient inactivation as a lake restoration procedure : laboratory investigations / 1974
Nutrient loading and selected water-quality and biological characteristics of Dickinson Bayou near Houston, Texas, 1995-97 / 1998
Nutrient Productivity Studies in San Francisco Bay. 1965
Nutrient sources for algae and their control / 1971
Nutrient-algal relationships in Lake Lillinonah, Danbury, Connecticut, June-September 1975. 1975
Nutrient-Algal Relationships in Lake Lillinonah, Danbury, Connecticut, June-September, 1975. 1975
Nutrient-Uptake Model in Marsh Ecosystems. 1979
Nutrients and phytoplankton in Puget Sound 1991
Nutritional Ecology and Community Structure of the Phytoplankton of Green Bay. 1971
Nutritional ecology of nuisance aquatic plants / 1975
Occurrence and distribution of algal biomass and its relation to nutrients and selected basin characteristics in Indiana streams, 2001-2005 / 2008
Optimal Cost Control Strategies for Attached Algae. 1983
Optimization of Biological Recycling of Plant Nutrients in Livestock Waste by Utilizing Waste Heat from Cooling Water. 1982
Optimization of Biological Recycling of Plant Nutrients in Livestock Waste by Utilizing Waste Heat from Cooling Water. 1982
Optimum N:P Ratios and Coexistence of Planktonic Algae (Journal Version). 1980
Organic nutrient factors effecting algal growths / 1973
Organic nutrient factors effecting algal growths / 1973
Organisms Associated with Pollution. (A Selection of Illustrations). 1965
Organohalide Formation on Chlorination of Algal Extracellular Products. 1984
Origin, chemistry and detection / 2014
Ortho-Toluenediamine (o-TDA) Determination of the Inhibitory Effect on the Cell Multiplication of Unicellular Green Algae. 2007
Overland flow : a decade of progress / 1984
Overview of USEPA/Clear Lake Erie Sediment Oxygen Demand Investigations during 1979. 1987
Para-tert-butyl Benzoic Acid: Acute Toxicity (salmo Gairdneri, Daphnia Magna and Selenastrum Capricornutum) and Octanol/water Partition Coef. W/letter. 1986
Pentabromodiphenyl Oxide (PeBDPO): A 96-Hour Toxicity Test with Freshwater Alga (Selenastrum Capricornutum), Final Report with Cover Letter dated 10/29/1997. 1997
Performance and upgrading of wastewater stabilization ponds : proceedings of a conference held August 23-25, at Utah State University, Logan, Utah / 1979
Performance evaluation of an existing lagoon system at Eudora, Kansas / 1977
Periphyton and Phytobenthon as Indicators of Water Quality. 1972
Periphyton communities in streams of the Ozark plateaus and their relations to selected environmental factors 2003
Permuted Index to Current Eutrophication Literature. 1974
Persistence in model ecosystems / 1982
Persistence of a Surrogate for a Genetically Engineered Cellulolytic Microorganism and Effects on Aquatic Community and Ecosystem Properties: Mesocosm and Stream Comparisons. 1993
Pesticide Degradation by Marine Algae. 1973
Pesticide Degradation by Marine Algae. 1975
Pfiesteria : crossing dark water : the true story behind the public health menace that now threatens the nation's tidal waters : by the Maryland "Family Doc" who blew the whistle-- / 1998
Pharmacological testing of blue-green algae for constituents having therapeutic value / 1970
Phase I Clean Lakes Study, Diagnostic and Feasibility Report on Mantua Reservoir 1998
Phase I Watershed Assessment Final Report Elm Lake Brown County South Dakota 1998
Phase I Watershed Assessment Final Report Lake Madison / Brant Lake Lake County South Dakota 1998
Phosphorus Bioavailability of Fluvial Sediments Determined by Algal Assays. 1988
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