Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 50
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Algae control)

Select Item Title Year Published
A study of the effectiveness of wastewater treatment ponds in removing nutrients at Lake Berryessa / 1973
Algae and water pollution : an illustrated manual on the identification, significance, and control of algae in water supplies and in polluted water / 1978
Algae control in water supply reservoirs. Report prepared for the Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality, 1973
Algae detection and removal strategies for drinking water treatment plants / 2004
Algaecidal evaluation and environmental study of mat producing blue-green algae / 1970
Algal toxin removal from water : interim progress report / 1992
Alternative and innovative methods for source water management of algae and cyanobacteria / 2012
Bacterial control of aquatic algal populations 1977
Current methodology for the control of algae in surface reservoirs / 1987
Development of a selective algaecide to control nuisance algal growth / 1973
Development of a selective algaecide to control nuisance algal growth / 1971
Effect of carbon on algal growth--its relationship to eutrophication; a review paper, 1971
Effect of phosphorus removal processes on algal growth / 1973
Effect of temperature on algal removal by alum coagulation 1974
Effects of cyanophage SAM-1 upon Microcystis aeruginosa / 1977
Effects of pH and inorganic carbon concentrations upon competition between Anabaena flos-aquae and Selenastrum capricornutum 1977
Environmental protection : coordinated federal efforts are being undertaken to address harmful algae : report to Congressional committees / 1999
Eutrophication of Small Reservoirs in the Great Plains. 1972
Experiments and experiences in biomanipulation : studies of biological ways to reduce algal abundance and eliminate blue-greens / 1983
Experiments and experiences in biomanipulation : studies of biological ways to reduce algal abundance and eliminate blue-greens / 1982
Harmful algae blooms in drinking water : removal of cyanobacterial cells and toxins / 2015
Harmful algae blooms in drinking water : removal of cyanobacterial cells and toxins / 2015
Harmful algal blooms in coastal waters : options for prevention, control and mitigation / 1997
How to identify and control water weeds and algae 1976
Identification and control of odorous algal metabolites 1996
National harmful algal bloom research and monitoring strategy : an initial focus on Pfiesteria, fish lesions, fish kills and public health / 1997
Organic nutrient factors effecting algal growths / 1973
Organic nutrient factors effecting algal growths / 1973
Phosphorus loading effects upon phytoplankton standing crop of the 18-mile creek embayment of Hartwell Reservoir, South Carolina / 1984
Physical and chemical removal of nutrients 1968
Pilot program to determine the effect of selected nutrients (dissolved organics, phosphorus, and nitrogen) on nuisance algal growth in American Falls Reservoir 1972
Plankton community and hydraulic characterization preliminary to lake flushing / 1969
Processing Characteristics of Subsurface Macrophytes of Madison, Wisconsin Lakes in Relation to Mechanical Harvesting Systems. 1970
Reconnaissance of sediment-phosphorus relationships in some Utah reservoirs 1983
Removal of algae in natural bodies of water / 1976
Removal of algae in natural bodies of water / 1976
Removal of algal nutrients from domestic wastewater. 1964
Research and development of a selective algaecide to control nuisance algal growth / 1974
Rock filters for removal of algae from lagoon effluents / 1980
Separation of algal cells from wastewater lagoon effluents. Volume 2. Effect of sand size on the performance of intermittent sand filters / 1979
Sources and sinks of nitrogen and phosphorus : water quality management of Lake George (N.Y.) / 1972
Strategies for controlling and mitigating algal growth within water treatment plants / 2009
Studies on the chemistry of orthophosphate and polyphosphate removal with ferric chloride : a preliminary report / 1967
The biological regulation of bloom-causing blue-green algae : a feasible alternative / 1982
The persistence of anatoxin-a in reservoir water / 1993
The relative significance of phosphorus and nitrogen as algal nutrients / 1970
The role of trace elements in management of nuisance growths / 1975
Toxic blue-green algae a report / 1990
Toxins from blue-green algae : toxicological assessment of anatoxin-a and a method for its determination in reservoir water / 1994
Zooplankton grazing as a control mechanism in algal blooms : a method for the study of the effect of algal toxins on zooplankton vertical migration : technical completion report / 1980

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