Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Alfalfa)

Select Item Title Year Published
131I dairy cow uptake studies using a submicrometer synthetic dry aerosol (Project SIP) / 1971
131I transport through the air-forage-cow-milk system using an aerosol mist (Project Rainout) / 1971
Air pollution from alfalfa dehydrating mills / 1960
Combined Effects of Ozone and Water Stress on Alfalfa Growth and Yield (Journal Version). 1988
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors. Supplement Number 6. 1976
Effect of an Ozone Injury Retardant Chemical on Isozyme Profiles from Alfalfa Callus in vitro. 1983
Effects of Ozone and Water Stress on Canopy Temperature, Water Use, and Water Use Efficiency of Alfalfa. 1988
Emission factor development for the feed and grain industry / 1974
Fate and transport of recombinant sinorhizobium meliloti with enhanced N2-fixing abilities during a multiyear field trial with transgenic alfalfa / 1998
Particulate emissions from alfalfa dehydrating plants : control costs and effectiveness / 1974
Particulate Emissions from Alfalfa Dehydrating Plants. Control Costs and Effectiveness. 1974
Programmable Exposure Control System for Determination of the Effects of Pollutant Exposure Regimes on Plant Growth. 1985
Protection of Hays: 1979-85. Citations from AGRICOLA Concerning Diseases and Other Environmental Considerations. 1986
Response of selected small grains, range grasses and alfalfa to sulfur dioxide / 1979
Simple System for the Preliminary Evaluation of Infectivity and Pathogenesis of Insect Virus in a Nontarget Estuarine Shrimp. 1984
Simplified atomic absorption determination of stable strontium in milk and hay : a comparison of methods and stepwise procedure / 1974
Soil survey of Alfalfa County, Oklahoma 1975

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