Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Alcohol)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Large and small scale ethyl alcohol manufacturing processes from agricultural raw materials 1980
LD50 Acute Inhalation Toxicity Evaluation in Rats Using T-Butyl Alcohol with Cover Letter Dated 03/24/1994. 1994
Letter from BASF Corp. to USEPA re: Reporting of Health and Safety Information on dimethylacetamide, Dimethylaniline, Cyclohexanol, and Diacetone Alcohol with Attachments dated 12/14/1995. 1996
Life cycle assessment of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 : ethanol - global warming potential and environmental emissions / 2009
Loosening the grip : a handbook of alcohol information / 2000
Low mileage catalyst evaluation with a methanol-fueled Rabbit : interim report / 1983
Low mileage catalyst evaluation with a methanol-fueled Rabbit : second interim report / 1984
Management of bottom sediments containing toxic substances : proceedings of the second U.S.-Japan expert's meeting, October 1976, Tokyo Japan / 1977
Material Safety Data Sheet: Polysaccharide Derivative. 2004
Maternal-fetal pharmacokinetics of methanol 1996
Measurement of Volatile Chemical Emissions from Wastewater Basins. 1982
Mercury pollution control in stream and lake sediments 1972
Methanol - The Transportation Fuel of the Future for the 1983 Midyear Refining Meeting of the API (American Petroleum Institute). A Governmental View of Oxygenates for Use as Motor Fuels and Motor Fuel Components. 1983
Methanol / 1997
Methanol and other ways around the gas pump 1976
Methanol as an Alternative Transportation Fuel. 1981
Methanol dissociation : the effects of partial dissociation / 1984
Methanol Measurement in Auto Exhaust Using a Gas-Filter Correlation Spectrometer. 1985
Methanol prices during transition : final report / 1987
Methanol requirement and temperature effects in wastewater denitrification. 1970
Methanol technology and application in motor fuels 1978
Methanol toxicity 1992
Methanol Vaporization: Effects on Volumetric Efficiency and on Determination of Optimum Fuel Delivery System : technical report / 1984
Methanol-Gasoline Fuels for Automotive Transportation - A Review. 1974
Microtox Analysis of Various Alcohols with Cover Letter Dated 05/05/1994. 1994
MOBILE4 oxygenated fuels version : user's guide / 1989
Modeling the impact of ethanol on the persistence of BTEX compounds in gasoline-contaminated groundwater 2000
Modifications for use of methanol or methanol-gasoline blends in automotive vehicles, Sept. 1976-Jan. 1980 1980
Molecular and cellular mechanisms of alcohol and anesthetics 1991
Movement of Selected Organic Liquids into Dry Soils. 1986
MTBE fact sheet #3 : use and distribution of MTBE and ethanol. 1998
Multimedia technical support document for the ethanol-for-fuel industry. 1986
Neurobiology of drug and alcohol addiction 1992
Next-Generation Biofuels : Near-Term Challenges and Implications for Agriculture / 2010
Ninety-Day Oral (Gavage) Study with a One-Generation Reproduction in Rats with Alcohol, C8-14. 2001
Ninety-Day Oral Study in Rats with Fluorinated Aliphatic Alcohol. 2009
Non-fluorinated propellants and solvents for aerosols 1977
Notification that Tetrahydrofurfuryl Alcohol Solution, Beta-bromo-beta-nitro-vinylfuran, is no Longer Claimed as Confidential Business Information. 2011
NTP technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis of benzyl alcohol (CAS no. 100-51-6) in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (gavage studies) 1989
NTP technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of glutaraldehyde (CAS no. 111-30-8) in F344/N rats and B6C3F mice (inhalation studies) /National Toxicology Program. 1990
Occupational exposure to isopropyl alcohol. 1976
Occupational exposure to methyl alcohol criteria for a recommended standard. / 1977
Organic chemical manufacturing : selected processes / 1980
Osteoporosis : nutritional aspects / 1993
Outdoor smog chamber experiments : reactivity of methanol exhaust / 1985
Outdoor Smog Chamber Experiments: Reactivity of Methanol Exhaust. Part 2. Quality Assurance and Data Processing System Description. 1985
Oversight, alcohol fuels : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy Development and Applications of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, second session, February 22, 1980. 1980
Overview of groundwater remediation technologies for MTBE and TBA / 2005
Overview of the E15 RVP/RIN market reform rule : (40 CFR part 80, subparts M and N) / 2019
Oxygenates in motor fuel formulation / 1991
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