Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Albany County)

Select Item Title Year Published
An investigation into the decline of the Wyoming toad (Bufo hemiophrys Baxteri) / 1984
Cheyenne, Wyoming Area Air Pollutant Emission Inventory. 1970
Coals and Coal-Bearing Rocks on the Hanna Coal Field, Wyoming 1980
Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report: City of Laramie, Wyoming, NPDES No. WY0022209. 1991
Draft, county-wide solid waste management plan, Albany County, Wyoming. 1978
Fish and Wildlife Resources in relation to the Wheatland Unit, Wyoming 1963
Geologic map of the Laramie quadrangle, Albany County, Wyoming / 1998
Geology and land uses in the pine bush, Albany County, New York 1975
Ground-water geology of parts of Laramie and Albany Counties, Wyoming, and Weld County, Colorado 1956
Record of Decision: Mercury Refining Site: Towns of Colonie and Guilderland, Albany County, New York. 2008
Self-guided tour of the geology of a portion of southeastern Wyoming / 1984
Structural geology of the Rex Lake quadrangle, Laramie Basin, Wyoming / 1970
The Plumbago Creek silica sand deposit, Albany County, Wyoming / 1988
The site selection and evaluation process in water-oriented recreation planning on the Hudson River of Albany and Rensselaer Counties, New York / 1976
Water Resources Study and Public Health Aspects of the Wheatland Unit - Laramie Division, Wyoming: Study of Effect of Project Development Water Quality, Needs and Value of Water for the Purpose of Water Quality Control, and the Public Health Aspects of the Wheatland Unit, Laramie Division - Wyoming, Bureau of Reclamation, Region 7. 1973
Watershed Work Plan, Boxelder Creek Watershed 1971

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