Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air Qualite Gestion)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air pollution control handbook 1990
Air quality management : considerations for developing countries / 1995
Atmospheric ozone research and its policy implications : proceedings of the 3rd US-Dutch International Symposium, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, May 9-13, 1988 / 1989
Catalytic air pollution control : commercial technology / 2009
Ensuring clean air developing a clean air strategy for British Columbia. 1992
Fundamentals of air pollution / 1994
I/M briefing book : everything you ever wanted to know about Inspection and Maintenance. 1995
International environmental management : papers from the 9th World Clean Air Congress, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 30-September 4, 1992 : Towards the year 2000, critical issues in the global environment = La gestion environnementale internationale : exposs du 9e Congres mondial sur l'air pur : Vers l'an 2000, problemes cruciaux en matiere d'environnement aa l'chelle mondiale / 1992
Markets for clean air : the U.S. acid rain program / 2000
Monitoring industrial emissions and wastes a manual. 1996
Principles of air quality management / 2007
Summary of data from vehicle emissions inspection clinics held in Canada (1986 to 1990) 1992

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